CV Hawkeye
Comments by "CV Hawkeye" (@cvhawkeye6255) on "Singapore's got talent for its Smart Nation push, but first it needs to bring some of them back home" video.
Sadly, Bala's approach to bring back Singaporeans is short term which would promote long term in-breeding of talent. For a small country like Singapore, talent in-breeding would saturate very quickly (ie multiple local markets everyone will soon know (inc their talents/skill/contacts) almost everyone else who is anybody in Singapore). A more long term and more sustainable approach would be to have greater outreach, to strengthen contacts with all Singaporeans who are already established overseas, use them as hubs for networks and contacts with overseas businesses of commerce both government and private sectors in their respective countries. With great respect, the Singapore Embassies around the world are not equipped to promote Singapore, commercial outreach is only mainly with big corps ... SME or individual contacts from a business perspective are almost remote. The embassies are no more than a place to deal with G services (passport renewals, visas etc). If not embassies, mini Singapore business/innovation hubs should be developed overseas grouped by semi or fully owned Singapore businesses to anchor Singapore Franchises wanting to expand overseas or to startup ... directly tap "Foreign" talent directly in their country ie bring Singapore to them, promote the top talent to positions in Singapore. That is how you draw the best into Singapore, its positive and pro-active with a greater global outreach, Bala has a rather limited national level concept, Singapore like it or not is a small island our possibilities will be capped sooner or later. Our Future commercial ambitions should not be limited to just our national landmass, our long term growth should be focused on greater outreach with a view to strengthen our core (ie Singapore).