Comments by "Kameraden" (@Alte.Kameraden) on "Comparing the ideologies of Hitler, Mussolini and Mosley" video.
To be Blunt, Nationalism has little to do with anything. Socialist have historically been nationalist in so many cases prior to Nazi Germany, including the Czechs you brought up in your video about the first National Socialist. Some people mistakenly believe because someone is "Nationalist" automatically = Far Right, which is ridiculous.
That being said, I wonder if you can dig up information on "Cafe Central" in Vienna. Supposedly Hitler visited it often while he was in Vienna, and it's known as a major socialist hot spot that many Marxist and Communist visited. Basically to sum it up, it was similar to the Beer Halls in Munich, it was where people went to get a meal/drink while listening to socialist spokesmen. This is why Hitler being a Communist in early 1919 is a very believable argument as why would he visit such a Coffee House?
Ripped this from Wikipedia the names of people who visited Cafe Central being "... Peter Altenberg, Theodor Herzl, Alfred Adler,[2] Egon Friedell, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Anton Kuh, Adolf Loos, Leo Perutz, Robert Musil, Stefan Zweig, Alfred Polgar, Adolf Hitler, and Leon Trotsky. In January 1913 alone, Josip Broz Tito, Sigmund Freud, and Stalin were patrons of the establishment."