Comments by "Killed The Cat" (@killedthecat1034) on "Cuomo and Lemon discuss border photo of dead man and daughter" video.

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  12.  @ITech2005  it's the only thing you're talkin about. All those damn illegals. You keep accusing me of not listening or not knowing what I'm talking about and you're choosing to dismiss large quantities of information that make a much bigger impact than illegal immigrants. Here's the problem with your argument that until we're all taken care of taking care of anybody else should not be a discussion. It's called multitasking oh, it's also called a greater responsibility to humankind oh, it's also called we have 327.2 million people living in America according to the 2018 census. If we were to take that tact we would never help anyone ever because there's no possible way we're all going to be taken care of at any given point across the board. Legal and illegal immigrants pay taxes, they work doing s*** jobs for lower pay than you would even think to take a job for, they get hired by Major manufacturers and companies knowing that they're illegal. As well as by the way Trump. It's much easier to blame the poor powerless people for taking the shift jobs they can get then it is to put any of that onus on the actual companies or people that hire them. Again, it's the powerless poor people that are causing all the trouble. Not the actual rich people who pull all the levers. On what facts do you base that where the most generous country in the world? Actually it is kind of negotiable because this is a democracy and not a dictatorship. Progressive policy on the other hand is about treating human beings with the dignity and respect that we would like to be treated with as well. This is Progressive policy. It's also what our mom has taught us when we were a kid and that you guys seem to have forgotten. We are not the only ones that matter. And comments like they spent the majority of their time talking about illegal immigration shows exactly what bias you have. Did you watch the entirety of both debates? Cuz I did. The most talked about subject was Healthcare and they talked about that ship for f**** ever. Not illegal immigrant Health Care American Health Care. The illegal immigrants getting Healthcare was brought up in a small portion of it but it's interesting that that's all you've heard or at least that's what you heard enough to mention. You were seriously living up to some sad stereotypes. Stop blaming all the Poor and Powerless people for your problems and start looking up instead of down. I know it's easier to judge people who you deem to be below you but that doesn't solve the damn bit of anyone's problem.
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  22.  @ITech2005  Insisting that the border agents follow the immigration laws and then calling them out when they don't, is not demonizing them. What free healthcare are you talking about that we are giving them? Are you talking about the people who apply for Asylum and are put in literal concentration camps until they are approved or denied? Cuz yeah if we're going to imprison them for a. Of time then it's kind of our job to make sure they're taken care of. More so it's our moral responsibility as a world leader. We've had legal and illegal immigration coming over to this country for hundreds of years now. Is everyone that cross that border and Angel? No. Does everybody work hard and do what they're supposed to do when all that jazz? No. Is there overall contribution helping to build and sustain this country? Historically absolutely. You are doing a lot of blowing things out of proportion to make your argument valid. If your argument is valid then it's valid as it stands. No one as far as I know our saying hey all the people of the world come to America take all our jobs in our Healthcare and let's crack open those borders. That is stereotypical fear-mongering. You keep claiming that I don't think things through. When thus far I have presented facts and you have presented blown up assumptions. I'm thinking things through. I just don't agree with your tank. That does not mean I'm not thinking things through. That's just a convenient excuse you're using to reassure yourself that you're right and I am wrong. You have no facts to back it up though
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  59. More than 100 years of US intervention, drug wars, Banana Republic and right-wing death squads we backed broke their countries.... But somehow they are invading us by trying to come to the Border and Legally claim Asylum? Even the ones that don't come in a legal port of entry... The majority of which are just here to give their children a future... and yeah! I wish they would come in Legally. If only to give them the rights and protections that doing so affords, but who are we to judge and demonize these people. For a long time now America has acted like we can go anywhere, and do anything, in any other country. How are we not worse? How have we not done worse? As for Trump, his policies and threats have exacerbated the situation.... Made it way worse. They are holding children in concentration camps right now... And I don't use that phrase to emphasize the point. Some of these places are literally the old Chinese concentration camps we had, in America, in World War II. There has been countless cases where Broder Patrol denies them the right to even apply for Asylum. Which is breaking the law. He perpetrated the longest government shutdown in American history, in order to fund a wall, that every expert says, will not make a difference, and then ended up caving and not getting a dime for it. Meanwhile government workers and their children are losing their homes and having to get into food lines.... All for nothing in the end. That's how people dare to blame America and Trump.
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