Comments by "Killed The Cat" (@killedthecat1034) on "Why Trump is (still) forever" video.

  1.  SGT Gardner  Hey crazy! He.... -Had a 33 page laid out plan to contain a pandemic and America, just exactly like covid-19 and chose not to use it because the administration who commissioned it was Obama. -Decided it wasn't important to refill the medical stockpiles for 3 and 1/2 years. -Tried to pretend for two and a half months that covid-19 has magically gone away. -Tried to sell American citizens multiple snake oil cares, taking none of them when he actually got sick. - Left each state to fend for themselves and forced them into a bidding war against each other, we're literally American lives. -Called the severity of the worst worldwide pandemic in over a hundred years a democratic hoax. -Tried to take millions of Americans Healthcare away during the world worldwide pandemic in over a hundred years. -Made multiple false claims about how it would all just go away by several different dates and got every one wrong. -Threw multiple large rallies and celebrations with little to no social distancing, instead of setting an example and using a coded safe campaign plan, like President elect Biden did. -Suggested on a regular basis that we should stop testing for the virus only so the numbers would go down and he would look better. -Spread false propaganda about covid-19 no worse than the flu. -Claimed that 99% of all covered cases are totally harmless. -Discouraged his supporters from listening to the medical experts. -Constantly lied about our fatality rate. -Playing on racial tensions, tried to blame Mexico for covid-19 in America, with absolutely nothing to back it up. -Threatened to defund our already strapped public education system in an effort to try and force children to go back to school when it wasn't safe and no one had a national plan. -Handled the pandemic so poorly that it crippled our economy and put 9 million people out of work, into a housing crisis and wondering how they were going to feed their children. -Claims, on multiple occasions, that covid-19 was merely being overblown because of the election in America. Despite the virus being all over the world. -Lied about Google engineer is building a website to help Americans determine whether they need testing for the coronavirus and to direct them to their nearest testing site. -Claimed to put a ban on travel from China, but after doing so nearly, 40,000 people travelled from China to the United States under his ban rules. -Claimed this kind of pandemic was something nobody thought could happen, when experts both inside and outside the federal government sounded the alarm many times in the past decade about the potential for a devastating Global pandemic. And on... and on... And on.... So my question for you is, what is your evidence that no other president could have done that?
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