Comments by "Killed The Cat" (@killedthecat1034) on "Acting DHS chief: We have an unprecedented crisis" video.

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  5.  @stephentoth6003  Okay... So, to say he exaggerates is an understatment. He lies. Like... A lot. Most of the time to get him out of something he has done or said. ... Sorry... Not trying to start off to sassy, cuz I am always up for a civil convo, like you... But... Dude just wouldnt know the truth if it came up and bit him on the butt. Lol And the important part of that is what he does when he lies. Lile the huge group of migrants, the caravan, trying to get here. These where desprate, hungry and scared people.... Just trying to get someqhere safe and he goes and continuously talks about how they have Isis memebers and gang members in there and that it's an invasion. It was hurtful and didn't make sense to anyone looking at it for more than a few seconds. We are talking MS13 and Isis here... Do you really think thats the way they are gonna come over? Walking for months across desert country's for thousands of miles? Thats just silly.... But it did what he wanted it to. Villainized these people. Point being... His lies hurt others and they hurt us as a country. Thats why they should not be downplayed. So... The border. There is and has been a big problem for a long time. I very much agree. I would agree with your stats even. This is not a small thing. Do people lie to get in? Yes. Do they overstay? Yes. Are they all angels or honest actors? No. Should they come in the right way? Yes. For them and us actually. They come in the right way and it gives them a better chance of making a better life. America afords them the full protection of its rights and privileges to them as citizens. I also don't think it's fair to the people who go through the process of coming in the right way.... That all being said... I alsonsee another side. I see the desperation of these people... You have mothers who litterally scar their little girls faces over there if they are to pretty. They aren't being cruel. They do it because if they don't they have a 1 in 4 chance of being taken and sold into sex slavery. For the boys it's not much better. One in 3 will work for the cartels between the ages of 13 and 30.... And if you don't, you often go hungry. These are not uncommon things... And what makes it worse is our country was a big part in making them lile that. Our drug war empowered the cartels. Our CIA. I'm a mother of an 8 year old little boy. If that was his life, crossing over a border illegally would seam very arbitrary to me. Conning an Asylum claim would also. The average wait time for citizenship is anywhere from 10 to 15 years and Asylum is no less than 2. When you're dealing with that kind of life for you and your children , that might as well be a lifetime away. ... And then there are the other policies... Taking people's children, putting them in cages and loosing them in the system. Some still haven't been found. Also, the restriction on asylem claims are only getting worse and waittimes for citizenship longer.... With his policies. So claiming he just wants them to come in legally and then making it harder fpr them to even do that. Thats not even counting the ICE agents run a mock. Litterally pulling kids with cancer out of their hospital beds and locking them up, refusing to even take asylum claims at the border with no questions asked... And more. See... My argument is not that there isn't an issue. We have a broken system amd it needs fixing. My argument is, the way Trump is going about it is cruel and also ineffective, to the point of making it worse. And don't even get me started on that stupid wall... Of the goverment he held hostage too try and get it. Goverment workers and families lost their homes and their kids when without food. Some lost pentions cuz it went on so long that they had only 2 paths. Quit and get a new job or go broke.... And then it was all for nothing. Hell,that is the only time that wall had a lagit reason. Just to get the goverment back up and help those goverment workers and their fams. So all that wouldnt of been for nothing. Okay... Sorry... That was a little rant happy. 😊 lol Bottom line, at some point Mexico needs to take hold of their own country and fix things. I do agree with that... But we need to be helping them do that and not hurting the people. We need a better system. We should not downplay the situation by any means. We just can't forget these people, we can't forget our own moral compass in the process, is all.
  6.  @stephentoth6003   I get the family separation thing. Though, there are studies that indicate that keeping smaller children with their parents in a family center would be less tramatic, but court ruling is a court ruling. The way this administration went about it though. ... - kids in cages - not keeping records of where these kids are going - who they are - who their parents are - missing several court ordered deadlines to turn over records because they didnt want to get caught not keeping accurate records - because of this there are still about 1200 kids missing. Thats on our watch. That was our gobernment that did that... Ya know. As far as terrorists... I'm not saying they don't. I'm saying they where not in that caravan of starving, desprate men women and children that walked across 2 desert countries for months on end, in order to get here. You wanna talk about faulse narratives... That was a big one. As well as saying it was an invasion. So... If your going to be frustrated at misinformation and faulse naratives then you should be mad at that one also, right? Also a nerd thing for me. In the last decade there has only been 1 confirmed terrorist choosing to cross at our southern border and he didnt come in a caravan of starving desperate people over thousend of miles on foot. Gangs and drugs? Yes but they also did not come in that caravan. They are both criminal orginizations and they have better funding and better ways. Thats just common sense. Wouldn't you agree? Cuz if you do, then you should also agree that these people where being skapegoated? Here is another things about that and this is where I argue that for some (I'm sure not you) it is about race. Why is it all about that border? Just as many drugs come from the other one and the 911 terrorists came from that one. Yet we don't hear anything about it?
  7.  @stephentoth6003    alright... Calm down a little please? No, I'm not kidding you. I do not amd did not claim all that think that securing our Southern border and dealing with our Southern border crisis are racist. You're starting to have a tendency of putting words in my mouth instead of hearing what I'm actually saying. Maybe it's because you're passionate on the subject or maybe you're used to hearing that argument from others. I don't know, but I think you should go back and read what I wrote. There is an element of racism in the fact that we spend all this time and all this energy on the southern border. We don't even mention the northern border. Just as many drugs and just as many illegals come in through that border but most tend to be white. That is the only difference. So to not acknowledge that in some fashion, there is an element of racism oh, it's simply not looking at all the facts. I don't go around calling people racist and I don't use that phrase as a shutdown argument either. I also gave you a couple of examples why the northern border is just as at-risk. I also acknowledged and will continue to acknowledge the problems on the southern border. Braces and being a element but far from the only one. So you implying that I'm using racism as some kind of excuse, is Ludacris. Who told me that was government statistics by the way. I'm at work now but when I get home later I can send you the link. They are different kinds of drugs but in similar quantities. For instance, more coke and weed come through the southern border fight a lot more amphetamines and stolen prescriptions ecstasy, stuff like that come to the more northern border. Opioids. This has reason behind it as well. Drugs across the board are cheaper in Canada. I'm not ignoring that Canada is fighting against it. I didn't say that one way or another. You're putting words into my mouth again. Yes they are different situations but the numbers don't lie. You can have different situations with similar results. Also again I'm not ignoring any of the other problems from the southern border, I have addressed and agreed with you on a lot of them. You just seem to be losing your mind that I brought up a racism Factor. I never once said that all the problems were made up and that it was strictly about racism. I do believe ignoring ignoring that factor is tantamount to the same thing you seem to be getting cranky about right now with me. I could name about a dozen major factors in the southern border problems. One of them just happens to be the fear-mongering about people who come in from that border. That's not a small problem. They get treated as less than human by a lot of people.
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