Comments by "Killed The Cat" (@killedthecat1034) on "Can Donald Trump nuke a hurricane?" video.

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  5. @Mister Morgan SoOoOo... Where you just counting on noone taking the time to read the link or look up the bill on Gov sites? That was a fools bluff.... - The last Dem to even touch the bill was Jimmy Carter, in 1979. - The bill was originally put in place in 1948. - Its original intent was not to do what you say. It was to strategically dispense propaganda and general information to foreign adversaries and allies, as needed. - It was also supposed to Shield the American people from it. - Except over the past 60 plus years, Republicans got to it. To be accurate, one Democrat and 6 Republicans. - The last few where Ronald Reagan in 1985, George HW Bush in 1991 and 1992.... - Then James Kenneth Glassman (R), the founding executive director of The George Bush Institute. - Several Dems have protested these changes to the original bill... A good example of which, is Edward Zorinsky, in 1985 tried to fight against these changes. - John M. Vorys (R) was the one to add the second provision to remove the stigma of propaganda. - The action in 2012 that you where referring to was by (R) Thornberry. (R) Smith was the other co signer. - They have tried to ammend the Bill to authorize the domestic dissemination of information and material about the United States intended primarily for foreign audiences, and for other purposes. The 2 BEST PARTS of your lies... 1. The amendment that you claim to allow this " propaganda " NEVER MADE IT PAST THE HOUSE.... For 2 reasons.... The first, Money..... Of course. The second, concerns about the freedom of the press provision and freedom of speech provision in the Constitution itself.... The limitation and overlapping of them. 2. OBAMA HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Go look for yourself on
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  33.  @themanwithnoname4385  no. You're not wrong about the Sudanese or the Drone bombing. Though I'm not sure why you would single out Obama for that. When Bush and Trump have done it as well. Honestly, it's pretty weird for me. I find myself more and more having to defend Obama. I genuinely am not a Obama groupie. I voted for him both times but that was just because they were better than the other guys. He certainly wasn't perfect. He frustrated the s*** out of me with his always carrot and never stick approach. Especially when it came to the Republicans. They're freaking body blowing him left and right and he's just standing there with his hands up. It pissed me off. He cared way too much about his perception than he did about actually getting s*** done. That's not to say he hasn't gotten a lot done. Dude was working hard. He just laid down and took too much for my liking, offer are the semblance of bipartisanship that nobody else cared about. He just let them steal a court seat. On the Supreme Court. He let them Jack the Supreme Court seat with barely a whisper. I was throwing s*** at the TV for three days on that one. But on the other hand, dude got s*** done. He could have done more if the last 4 years he wasn't fighting the Republicans all the time but as presidents go his track record certainly isn't bad. Then I see all these people on here talking about how he's the Antichrist now. Like nothing he ever did mattered. Except a lot of it helped everybody and everybody's just kind of forgetting about it because it's new guys a child... so now I defend Obama a lot more than I ever talked about him before. Again super freaking weird.
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  68.  @ericmartin2470  If you didn't know where the quote came from, because you didn't look it up before you said it, you should not use the quote from George Strait. Which is exactly what happened. Which is exactly why you got the damn thing wrong, and it's not the only one. " if you believe this from CNN, I have some beachfront property in Idaho to sell you. " Cuz if you go down just a tiny bit, you would find you incorrectly quoted Vladimir Lenin. In terms of what was actually said and that Vladimir Lenin was not the one that said it. I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to quote a Nazi either, but that's what you did. Take solace in the fact that you incorrectly quoted him, but you did. " A lie told often enough becomes the truth " -Vladimir Lenin " This is why your a silly person. You come on here, trying to sound like you know what you're talkin about, when you genuinely don't. You think you have some piece of information that makes a difference, but you're too lazy to check it. You want to believe someone else's work. All because that person agrees with what you already think is true. Then you expect people to take you seriously. Stop being lazy when it counts, admit when you got something wrong and grow the hell up. Then maybe we will. Until then, I get to f*** with you for making all those stupid mistakes you make because you didn't do your homework. I come across you guys every single day. You're always super afraid to challenge your own opinions. Except you never ask yourself why. You should want to challenge your own point of view. You should want to know whether it is the correct one or not. πŸ™„
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