Comments by "Killed The Cat" (@killedthecat1034) on "Michigan voter: Trump opened the door for every racist" video.

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  15.  @FoxFox-lx3cv  You keep calling us brainwaished but you guys love to pretend that nothing happened befpre Trump took office. "data also show that President Trump benefited from a longer-term downward trend of illegal border crossings that started during President Bush’s second term" You wont even give other Rep presidenta cradit for anything... Guys on your side... But yeah... We are the ones who are brain washed, because we chppse to look at all relivant data. Sure. Lol As far as illegal or undocumented immigrants paying taxes, yeah. They've always paid taxes. Taking Obama out of context, does not prove otherwise. That quote was from a statment he gave, when talking about putting up a bill that would allow dreamers to get state ids. That would alow for more job oppertunities, more stante and fed taxes and filling reterns. Making assumptions is not an argument. Assuming that people won't applying for citizenship because they might not get it, especially on Mass, is ignorant. What do they have to lose? Speaking of the border wall oh, you remember that one time that Trump shutdown the government for the longest it had been shut down in over 10 decades, had government workers lining up with their children in bread lines and losing their homes, and then caved and made all of that for nothing? Do you remember that? The difference between Obama and Trump, sure, you might be able to question whether Obama did all the right things with illegal immigrants. But you know for damn sure that Trump doesn't give a s*** about them. He will take their children, hold them hostage, lose them in a system, while putting them in cages and unlocking some of them away in concentration camps in America. He doesn't give a shitt.
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  37.  T Tullock  My turn... I will be linking all the info at the bottom. "Non-Hispanic whites totaled about 197,285,202 or 60.7% of the U.S.population." Only when you add mixed race people, do you get the 76.9% number. Which most Gov stats do differentiate. Meaning they give both numbers . Which I tend not to do because it doesn't make sense to me, honeslty. My son is mixed race. Caucasian and African American. He has my skin tone and dimples but everything else is his daddy. They always try and put him in school as Caucasian. I always have to correct the paperwork. He is both. Mixed. They default any mixed people who are part white to white. They are not. So that would make the mixed population 16.2%. Just Hispanic and African American are 30.5% of the population. Now, this is from the second link... The 2010 census. "52.2 mil ppl, or 21.3% of the population is on some form of gov assistance. Usually monthly. On short term program use (which is where you guys get your numbers from) 41.6% of African Americans, 17.8% of Hispanic and 17.8% white. Its also... Some of the first numbers, that the Gov sites give you, because they messure by month. But... When you get into the weeds, you find the long term program use. Meaning, the people who are on these programs for a long time. Which they categorize as being anywhere longer than 37 months. So over 3 years... That's when the numbers flip. Most polls, like for article and such, are for current numbers, and they go to the short term use numbers, for that reason. Which actually makes, you guys getting confused about it, understandable.... Of I'm being fare. The third link, shows the long term, or over 37 month user demo..... The second link... Census... Shows it a little twards the bottom, also. Not the whole pic though. Given the total number of white nun Hispanic inrolled in assistance for over 37 months, 43.2%.... Blacks, 17.9% and Hispanic 22.1% Once you get into wealth distribution and collage education and education assistance programs, as compared to ethnicity, things get even more interesting and you start to wonder why those minority numbers aren't higher than they really are.... If you wanna go really deep in the F'ed up rabit hole, you should get into ethnicity as compared to criminal acts and sentance terms. I can give you links for those also, if your interested?
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  39.  T Tullock  "My pointless to dispute someone else who said white people use way more welfare than blacks." Yeah... I know... You where disputing me. I said that. Except, I did NOT say "blacks". I said, than anyone. You tacked on the "blacks" after looking up the data. Odd timing. πŸ™„ Either way, you would not get an accurate reading without looking at all the data, on all the races. Black and white ppl are not the only ones who live in America. This is the shady tactic you guys use the most. Cherry pick only the data that fits what you already thought was true and ignore any other prevalent data. If your argument is valid, then you should be able to argue it using all pertinent information. If you can't do that, then don't argue that.... and I said this earlier. Cherry-picking data, in order to paint a false and negative image out of a minority group, is exactly what race is do. It's exactly what white nationalist do on a daily basis. If you don't want that tacked on to you, stop doing that. Throwing out random facts, without giving context, is, at best, being disingenuous and trying to set up a false dichotomy. In order to be able to see the bigger picture, you need more than one little fact bite. For instance, minorities are more likely to get longer sentences for the same crime. They are also more likely to be convicted of a crime they did not commit. I'll just proportionate to the amount of minorities in the country. Minorities are also disproportionately more likely to be born into poverty. They are also more likely and disproportionately to be turn down for Grants are scholarships. With just those little bit of extra relivant info and it starts to paint an entirely different picture. You can call me ignorant as many times as you want. I'm the one choosing to look at all relevant data to better understand a situation, and you're the one ignoring it. You're the one being willfully ignorant.
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  44.  Mr. J's Educational Oasis  1. Yeah... That's what you guys said about Bernie last time, and with being funded by the people, he went from almost no chance last time, to damn near beating the Clinton money machine for the nomination. Socialism, monarchy, Republic, Communists, dictatorship, democracy... You know what they all have in common? They are all operating systems. Putting a negative connotation on something like socialism is like saying, "I'm an Android girl, so iPhones must be evil." It's all in the hands of the user. Maybe you should not speak on things that you, obviously, do not understand. 2. Warren has done more fighting for the people and against corruption then any other female in office. 3. Yang... he probably doesn't have the name recognition to make it, this time. He does have a lot of good Financial policies. The last two democratic presidents that were that focused on the economy, got us out of debt for the first time in over 50 years (Clinton) and pulled us out of the Great Recession in under 7 months of being in office (Obama). Both of which proceeded Republican Bush's, who got us into those messes, all the while touting fiscal responsibility. SoOoOo.... Either next time or he would make a good VP. 4. Same goes for Castro... Probably not this time... But maybe a good VP. He has the people of America in mind. All of them... And not just thpse that agree with him. Like Trump. You can see it everytime he speaks and through his positions. 5. Harris... Well she has been fighting idiots like you, all her life. I think that's why you guys have to try and minamize her all the time. Your scared.... And you should be. 😜✌ YOUR asinine assumptions about me and people like me, don't matter. Period. And they don't matter because they're wrong. Because small-minded assholes like you have to make s*** up about us in order for you to have an argument. Your the useful idiots everyone is always talking about, blurting out right wing talking points, with words you don't understand and no actual substance behind them. You have to mischaracterize us and the policies of these Democrats because you need someone to blame and because your simply not that bright, any halfway coherent politician can come along and point you in a Direction... And all the sudden, your on it like white on rice. Run along little boy. Your not ready for the big kids table yet. πŸ˜œβœŒπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
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  70.  @FoxFox-lx3cv  But.... Sure... Lets knock these down... 1 by one. First, jobs and unemployment have to be considered under a larger scale than the last two years. Otherwise, you're just crediting the guy who crossed the finish line for a five-man relay race. That includes disreguarding Rep. Presidents accomplishments as well, Btw. Trump didn't just shpw up one day and everything got all shiny and new. The numbers back that up. Actually the monthly job growth numbers are down from Obama. " The U.S. Bureau of Labor announced that the economy added 224,000 jobs in June vs. expectations of 160,000 and May’s revised result of 72,000. The 224,000 is still strong, but there were revisions to April and May that subtracted 11,000 people hired in those months and government employment added 33,000. Overall private payrolls added 191,000 employees." "The stock markets are reacting negatively due to the jobs number being stronger than expected since investors are lowering their expectations that the Fed will cut interest rates by 50 basis points later this month. " "Over 29 months Obama added almost 1 million more jobs than Trump Trump entered office on January 20, 2017, and starting with February 2017 he has been President for 29 months. Total job growth during that time has been 5.613 million or 194,000 per month with those results being helped by the tax cut. Working back from January 2017, Obama’s last month in office, there had been 6.423 million jobs added or 221,000 per month. The difference for the 29 months is 810,000 more jobs or 27,000 more per month than Trump." "Note that back in January this year the total difference was only 194,000, which means over the past five months it has increased by 616,000. And looking at the next six months with Obama’s job numbers of 188,000 to 327,000 per month, the gap should only increase and cross 1 million."
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  72.  @FoxFox-lx3cv  The US trade deficit, which Trump promised to reduce, grew nearly by 28%. The number of people without healthcare insurance Rose by 2 million to 7 million depending on the survey. The federal debt Rose by 1.8 trillion. Annual deficits accelerated. Home prices rose by 22.5% Carbon dioxide emissions Rose by 1.8% Federal debt held by public Rose by 12.5% Trump regularly and incorrectly brags that he's out of 4 million jobs since taking office. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US economy added to million 188,000 jobs in 2017. Trump's first year in office. So far, it has added 1,306,000 jobs in 2018. But the economy added more jobs in every year of Obama's second term then it did in Trump's first term. This holds true when examining the average number of jobs added per month. Which Economist suggest that Trump's numbers is a continuation of an existing trend. The unemployment rate is the best it has been in a decade, holding steady at 3.9% in August. Shortly after Trump took office in February 2017, the unemployment rate was 4.7%. It has declined at a faster Pace than the Congressional budget office predicted at the beginning of Trumps term, but the unemployment rate had already stabilized. It was ranging between 4.6 and 5% starting in August of 2015. That represents over a five-point decline since unemployment peaked at 10% in October 2009, nine months after Obama took office. Another indicator of economic growth is the percentage of people employed during their Prime working years. In December 2009, right before the end of Obama's first year in office, 74.8% of adults between the age of 25 and 54 were employed. The years 2010 and 2011 marked the indicators low points, averaging 75.1% each year. But by the time Obama left office, but yearly average had rebounded to 77.9%. The ratio continue to climb through 2017, and averaging 78.6% for the year, and 2018 is on track to be the best year in a decade. As I said... 5 man relay race. During the 2016 campaign, Trump said the stock markets were in a big fat bubble. Stock have been Rising steadily since March 2009. But once he took office, he was first to point out any record-setting days. Trump regularly cites data from the Dow Jones Industrial Average, a collection of 30 us Blue Chip companies. But the Standard & Poor 500 stock index provides a more nuanced data set. Comparing the S&P performance with similar markets since just before Trump took office, the S&P 500 narrowly and stout China's for the largest percentage of overall growth, while the Germany and British Markets decline. As of mid-year the Chinese and German markets had kept pace with the United States, but in recent months the US Stock Market has posted games that have put it ahead. Wage growth is one of those instances where just because Trump repeats a statistic a lot doesn't make it accurate. Real median wages for all workers have been steadily increasing since 2014. In the last quarter of 2017, they plunged below their rate when Trump took office but have since recovered to about the same level. In other words after an initial bump, wages are basically where Obama left them. Property has been slowly decreasing since 2010. Also, trend worthy, from the Obama years. Business investment plunge to a low in the fourth quarter of 2005, but it rebounded in 2010. The year Obama took office. By the time trunk took office it had continued to climb steadily, gaining 2.6%. But that track with the upward momentum that started at the beginning of Obama's term. In other words... A BIG HUNK of trumps positive numbers, began with Obama. Obama, who began his term with a recession.
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