Comments by "Killed The Cat" (@killedthecat1034) on "Trump tariffs taking toll on trucking industry" video.

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  4.  @ericmartin2470  Well... I don't need to hear I'm right. But thanks. I was simply pointing out an obvious flaw in stratagy, given all the pieces on the board. Unfortunately I have to disagree with the rest of what you said. To be clear, the issue was not instituting tariffs at all. The issue was the amount of tariffs there instituting. That is where they broke the rules. Here is what I would have done if I was him. I would have instituted the tariffs that are capable under the current rules in the deal with WTO. I would have used the clause in that same deal and at the same time to renegotiate the deal and the amount of tariffs that are allowed to be put on China. I would have a good argument with that as well. Because the WTO was written back in the 70s when China was a less developed state. So the argument that they use to get the Tariff limitations that they have is that if they go higher than a certain amount it could bankrupt their economy. That argument is no longer valid and therefore the terrorist should be increased. If he had done that, then he would have been able to sanction the smaller amount of tariffs and increase them when the rules were changed. He would have also had all those countries that are standing against him right now, standing with him. That Global pressure alone would have put America in an amazing negotiating stamps when it came to trade Wars. Sometimes it's just better to use the carrot than it is the stick. " instead the US should leave the WTO, break all ties to China and impose sanctions. The US would no longer do any kind of business with China and countries that do business with China." Sorry but that's a massive overreaction that would end up screwing us so hard. First... China owns most of our debt. II WTO is where we do all of our trade. 3rd China is also one of the largest markets for trade and therefore no other country would be willing to sacrifice China for us especially if China called in there debt on us. Here's the trouble. China has done a damn fine job setting themselves up for being unexpendable. You have to acknowledge that to get anywhere good. It doesn't mean they're untouchable. It does mean you have to be just as smart when trying to put them back in their place.
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  18.  @mrlopez5009  okay.... A few questions. Like, I'm not trying to trick you or anything. I'm just confused about a few points and need some clarification before I reply further. If you got my point then how is his tactic unorthodox and not just down right not good? How does China holding the largest amount of US debt give them less wiggle room and not more? I asked that because that is essentially giving them the American nuke button. If things got really bad, all they would have to do is call in the debt ( and yes I know full well it's more complicated than that but for argument's sake ) bankrupt us... And sure they would take a big hit but they have been preparing for this for a long time now. That is why they started making those moves with trade. They basically knew they could get away with it. It's more complicated than that obvy but... Anyways... That the first question. Okay but she didn't get a deal with North Korea and we also work trying to go to war with North Korea before he really brought it up. Yeah Kim Jong crazy pants would fire off some Rockets every once in awhile and wave his dick around but we weren't worried about it. It's just not that serious of a threat and he's asked elated in other wars were in and now talking about sending more troops to the Middle East. As far as a trade War he's actions are going to get us in a trade war with two different countries right now. And the ones that we import the most from. Okay another question... Why do you value a living wage through economic growth and not Minimum Wage Enforcement? Also I really don't get the thing on how Trump is doing good things for the environment. I mean just the deregulations alone then he is enacted, is in the middle of enacting and have plans to enact in the future is crazy bad for the environment. I can give you a list if you want. He won't even let people talk about climate change. At least on his people. Well I'm bisexual and I'm very offended on a regular basis about what he says about my transgender friends. Trying to kick them out of military. Don't even get me started on the bathroom stuff. And again not trying to be rude but you would be wrong about it being a mental illness. That was the consensus back in the day but today and through years and years of studying and multiple doctors points of view and a million other things... Thats just simply not the conscience the medical professionals have come to anymore. Also.... Why shouldn't transgender be in the military? That puberty blockers thing for young children is just a scare tactic. Most medical professionals wouldn't even entertain the idea and most liberals don't believe that. They do believe when they get older and they're ready to transition they should be allowed to. I'm going to have to look up the pharmaceutical thing because I don't know enough about it and this is the first time I've heard it. But I will The Last Vegas thing isn't best anecdotal sweetheart. I live in Louisiana and that is just not the case here but I don't bring that up because it's just one spot you know? So you're not going to hear an argument from me about then focusing way too much on Russia and not enough on policy. I don't agree with you on a lot of what you think he's doing and so my tactic would be to attack him on those policies. The Russia thing it's not unimportant but it's not the whole ballgame and if that's what they run on next time then they're going to lose. Because at the end of the day Russia doesn't make every Americans day today better or worse. I will disagree with you on the racist thing and if you like I will give you mounds of proof about that and explain to you why that is important. Anyways if you want to answer those two questions and kind of hash that out that would be great. it's nice talking to you
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  26.  @ericmartin2470  there are a few problems with you continuing to quote Edmund Burke to me. Not counting the argument that these are complex matters and should be. So there for its not generally a good idea to make rash decisions with peoples lives based off of a quote that your taking out of context. One, of your referring to Trump.... He is not a good man. With mountians of evidence to back it up. But if your referring to Russia annexing Crimea.... It was messed up but not unlike what Trump is doing now with the GTO. In the sense that they both are using the wrong tactic, and therefore weakened their argument by doing the wrong thing and breaking the rules to get something done which, had they gone about it in a different way, would have probably worked out in there favor. Russia and Vladimir Putin actually had a good argument for reclaiming Crimea. For a lot of reasons. Not the least of which was the people of Crimea wanted to be Russian citizens instead of Ukrainian citizens. Also Crimea was originally Russian territory. Had he come about it the right way, he would have probably ended up in the same position he's in now except with a stronger stance on the issue and the rest of the world in recognition. Now, we are back to your "doing nothing" thing. America and the other nations did not do nothing. They did a bunch of things actually and within the bounds of laws and rules. Ukraine and many other world leaders condemn the annexation and considered it to be a violation of international law and Russian signed agreements safeguarding the territorial Integrity of Ukraine. This leg to the other members Aldi Dan G8 suspending Russia from the group, then introducing the first round of sanctions against the country. The United Nations General Assembly also rejected the vote and annexation, adopting a non-binding resolution affirming the territorial Integrity of Ukraine within its International recognized borders. The UN resolution also underscores that the referendum having no validity, can't form the basis for any alteration of the status of Crimea and calls upon all states and international organizations not to recognize or to imply the recognition of Russia's annexation. The assembly reaffirmed non-recognition of the annexation and condemned the temporary occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine. In the end, even though Russia's ill-advised strongman tactics was not the best way to get it done, it hurt no one and it is what the people of Crimea wanted. That being the case I would argue that your quote really does not apply to the situation.
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  29.  @ericmartin2470  no you're not agreeing with me you're setting up a different narrative than the one that I presented. You wanted your example so damn bad. Your example is in the very thing we've been talking about this entire time and I explained that in detail. Which you should have already known before speaking on the subject by the way. Now you're trying to set up a false premise and in a way that indicates that you still don't understand what is going on in this situation. On top of which you're trying to somehow put the statement of inaccuracy on to me for it. Which is just nonsense. It's also really starting to look like you can't argue your premise so you keep trying to set up paper tigers, change the narrative and just generally seem to be avoiding facts all together that doesn't fit your preconceived notion. But here's the thing, it's not necessary to set up another scenario. The very situation has your example in it. China is screwing around with World economics and has been for a long time. No one's denying that. The argument and premise is trying to punish other countries for breaking the deals we make with them by breaking the deals we make with them... Which is at best I'll advised. It also has consequences. Like we're not the only people in the world and we're eventually going to have to work with the other countries. You know like the ones that are lining up behind China right now because Trump decided to do what he did. Those countries who can no longer trust us to hold up our end of things, but then have to deal with the fact that we expect them to hold up theirs. It also has consequences like it's going to be rejected by the UN. Because you can't punish another country for breaking the rules by breaking the rules yourself. You don't need to set up another scenario or premise. All the details are in the one that we've been talking about all along. No one saying there shouldn't be sanctions or tariffs. All those countries are saying that those need to fall under the rules and regulations of the WTO which America and all these other countries agreed to and signed. Also I'm getting a little tired of not getting actual answers to my questions but then you proceed to keep asking me yours. All I get is deflection tactics and sarcasm.
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  32.  @ericmartin2470  okay so now you're going to tell me what the narrative was that we were just talking about. Which by the way originally was not brought up By Me but by you, when you asked me about what I would do to China. You cannot then completely disregard the subject matter just because you can no longer argue your point with it. You brought up the subject of the tariffs and what I would do. Then you argued how what I was doing was nothing. Then after explaining to you that not only what I was doing wasn't nothing ...I explained to you that if you don't like it... There was recourse within the deal (of the WTO) to change that... and that he was not doing that... but doing something else that was stupid and put America in a worse negotiating standpoint.... And so on and so forth. You can not, now that the conversation isn't working out the way you thought it would, completely disregard the entirety of all of that... and then say no we're talkin about this. That's a cop out. A thing that you accused me of before. Me on the other hand, I'm not working backwards. You talking yourself into a corner isn't my problem. So would you like to explain why it's totally cool for America the break the rules but not for China? And let me preface this, I don't like Trump for a variety of reasons but let's just say someone else was president. Let's say it was my very best friend in the world, Sally. If Sally was trying to punish somebody else for breaking the rules by breaking the rules herself, I would still tell her that was a stupid idea. I would explain to her that it puts her in a bad position when it comes to negotiating a damn thing in the future, because noone can trust you to honor your agreement. So in this.... My dear friend... Me, joe, bob, Anne and the rest of the class are going to have to stand up for Sarah and against you because even though we dont like what Sarah is doing either... We don't think you should be the one punishing her given your CHOOSING to do the same thing your punishing her for, in order to punish her. You have lost perspective dear friend and should step back or choose a different tactic. And you know why Sally? Because the only thing necessary for the Triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke Sally = America / president Sarah = China Me and all the others being the other countries.
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  43.  @ericmartin2470  Well.... I would do what I said before. "To be clear, the issue was not instituting tariffs at all. The issue was the amount of tariffs there instituting. That is where they broke the rules. Here is what I would have done if I was him. I would have instituted the tariffs that are capable under the current rules in the deal with WTO. I would have used the clause in that same deal and at the same time to renegotiate the deal and the amount of tariffs that are allowed to be put on China. I would have a good argument with that as well. Because the WTO was written back in the 70s when China was a less developed state. So the argument that they use to get the Tariff limitations that they have is that if they go higher than a certain amount it could bankrupt their economy. That argument is no longer valid and therefore the terrorist should be increased. If he had done that, then he would have been able to sanction the smaller amount of tariffs and increase them when the rules were changed. He would have also had all those countries that are standing against him right now, standing with him. That Global pressure alone would have put America in an amazing negotiating stamps when it came to trade Wars. Sometimes it's just better to use the carrot than it is the stick." But that would be just to start. You would have to wait for there move after that. It would be a long game for sure. China would make sure of that. They are good at the long game.... But using the WTO rules to raise the tariffs and getting all those countries on our side with the rules and valid argument would be a good start.... But just a start.
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  46.  @ericmartin2470  well the numbers I'm getting say China owns 1.123 trillion dollars of our debt since Dec, 2018. Which you are right. Is not most. Used the wrong term. They hold the majority of it. With Japan coming in second with 1.042 trillion. My point about the debt still stands however. Except the stick screws us over more than it does China. You're not looking at all the pieces. They have a bigger stick. You cannot take them on alone and that's exactly what he would be doing by alienating all the other countries and Not only would he be alienating them they are on China side. The stick gives China all the power. As demonstrated by all the other countries that are aligning with China right now. " the US has exhausted all diplomatic channels and reassurances from the Chinese," Thats not true. I just told you what they should do. Where do you get the information from that " the majority of Americans agree with what Trump is doing"? History is all well and good but you also need to understand the details of the issues at hand, that are happening right now. Why do you think all those other presidents, the Bush's included, didn't go after China like this? It was for good reason. It's because you can't win that way. It's also trumps only play. That play may work on people like Ken Jeong Hoon but it's not going to work on China. They're not simpleton strong men over there. They spent the last thirty years sharing their self up and playing the long game. Which is why they now have a stronger position that was handed to them by Trump strongman tactic. They are no longer now standing alone against us. They have a ton of other countries standing with them and do you see any other country raising their hand back in the house right now?
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