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D Mc
The Young Turks
Comments by "D Mc" (@dmc8092) on "Kim Davis: I’m Not A Hypocrite, God Forgave Me" video.
+Aella Antiope You feel this way because she's not denying you your rights. To the people she is harming it's a little more serious.
+ptrinch If her actions weren't harming anyone else I might feel sorry for her. But she's not the victim here, and we really shouldn't be fooled by her claims of martyrdom. She is harming other people because of her religious beliefs.
Aella Antiope But, this woman is not denying you your rights so you don't care.
Aella Antiope It is interesting that having your rights denied did not make you more sensitive to others whose rights are also being denied. Just goes to show--oppression doesn't automatically make people more compassionate. I'm sure if this woman were denying your rights you wouldn't be so blithe about it.
I don't think these gay "friends" she claims to have are really okay with her. I want to hear from them, not her.
Aella Antiope Which country?