Comments by "Factchekka" (@Factchekka) on "Israeli Army 'Withdraws' Kiryati Brigade From South Gaza; Boost For Hamas | Watch" video.

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  11.  @TaslimaRahman-b2b  Borders are only a construct of the human mind that we draw on a maps. Nothing else cares about them. A bird doesn't come to an abrupt stop mid-flight because it's flying across the border of two countries. A fish isn't prevented from swimming across a river because two countries say the border is in the middle of the river. A sandstorm won't form a straight line because a border is marked on a map in the middle of a desert. The human story is one of migration and conflict. One group of humans inhabits an area until another group arrives and forces out, integrates or massacres the original group. That group will remain until the same happens to them. There is probably not a single place left on the planet that hasn't at some stage been occupied by a group of humans different to the ones there now. (Maybe North Sentinel Island and a few places in the Amazon). We are no different to any other species of living thing. We either adapt, overcome, and thrive or are pushed out by a more dominant group. It is irrelevant who lived where thousands of years ago. The events of WW2 (and hundreds of years of persecution preceding it) have led to the state of Israel as it is today. Jews have one small sliver of land on the whole planet where can be absolutely certain they will not be persecuted within those borders by their government or their fellow citizens just for being Jewish. They will defend themselves against any perceived threat to this by any means necessary. (Have no doubt that this includes nuclear weapons). If there ever came a time where there was a threat of Israel falling to an enemy, it will mean armageddon in the Middle-East if not the entire world, because when Jewish people say "Never again!" it means all or nothing! They will never allow themselves to be subjugated again as they were in Europe. If there was ever a chance that was going to happen, Israel will be taking everyone down with them! So, be careful what you wish for!
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