Comments by "F Liu" (@F_Liu) on "Putin debunks Tucker Carlson's warmongering anti-China propaganda, mocks his CIA ties" video.
Why is China's atheism a problem? If you believe China has no religious freedom (told by your media), you are wrong. The Chinese are free to practice all world religions and beliefs in their 40,000 mosques (more than the US per capita), 6000 churches and many other religious venues, and of course in their countless temples. But all religious leaders and venues have to be properly registered with authorities and follow laws and regulations. And yes most Chinese do not follow a Western religion (including Islam), they follow their own domestic faith and beliefs such as Taoism, Confucianism and the Chinese branch of Buddhism, as well as ancestral worshiping and other regional folk beliefs, but in general, religious beliefs do not dominate Chinese people's everyday lives, because they are of a very pragmatic and practical people, this is a strength and merit of the Chinese culture.
@GaiusCaesar_ ''Deepen what reforms?'' Reforms to concentrate on economic development which will improve the lives of every Chinese person, not to conquer and dominate the world like the US/West. Belt and road initiative is an economic integration project to increase trade and cooperation between (mostly Global South) nations, it is an initiative that helps developing countries to develop infrastructures that they urgently need but can't get loans for from Western financial institutions. The West colonised these nations in African, Latin America, West Asia for centuries but never helped them to develop essential infrastructure. How is building schools, hospitals, roads, railways, bridges, airports ''raking profits''?
Xi jinpings CCDR (Comprehensively Deepening of Reforms council) is for what? For China to deepen reforms to develop its own industrial productivity, to deepen further cooperation and trade with all nations in the world, particularly developing nations. If you don't know anything about China, then learn and do some research before you spew your baseless conspiracy, trying to sound clever but only to reveal your utter ignorance and stupidity.
@dfwherbie8814 So you married a Chinese, what, does that somehow qualify you for a China expert? Lol. I never said you said China has no religious freedom, I said if you believed China has no religious freedom, then you are wrong. Learn to read.
''Do you have all of these pre-written in your notes, and you copy and paste whenever a comment somewhat comes close to the content of these pre-written responses?'' You don't like people making assumptions of you, but you have no problem making assumptions of me. What, are you hinting I am a Chinese government propagandist? Sounds like this is what you are saying. No, I spent a good 10 mins writing my own response in my own words based on my own knowledge and research.
''Anyway, Mao removed religion from China as a means to move away from “superstition.” But here’s the problem, in removing religion, the government has mad itself into the religion of the people. And that is problematic however you dice it up.'' Total nonsense. Mao never removed religion neither did he remove superstition (typical Western anti China talking point probably based on what your media falsely described about ''Cultural Revolution'', which is a completely baseless claim). This statement of your shows you have no clue about this topic. And the government has never made itself into the religion of the people, again another typical Western anti China talking point you are repeating here. The Chinese government (past and current) has overwhelming approval of the Chinese people because of what they've done for them (providing them a better life) and what they've achieved for the country not because they've been forcing people to worship them like a god.
Anyway, you don't have a clue about China, and your wife failed to educate you, unless she doesn't have a clue herself.
That's what the Anglo-American empire does, they rewrite history in favour of their narratives, to satisfy their ego and superiority complexes, to continue to indulge in delusion (of their so called system even racial superiority) and brainwash the Western public so they go along with their racist supremacist world domination agenda, it has been working very well so far. Their outright lies and false narratives are spread through their educational system, media and governments' agencies, most their people just wholeheartedly believe what they are fed to (about these so called enemy countries), what can they do when they are conditioned since birth, told that they have a free and independent media. The rest of the world knows their own history as well as the true accounts of Western colonial history (as they suffered a great deal from it), they have always understood what the US/Western powers are all about: wolves in sheep's clothing; the emperor with no clothes and pirates who forever loot, kill and plunder.