Comments by "RiC David" (@RiC_David) on "Photo Of Olivia Wilde’s Naked Toddler Creates Uproar Online" video.
Commander Don You're absolutely right about the 100 comments = everyone hates you problem. The vast vast majority of people simply don't express their feelings on any given video or blog post etc. The majority just watch, a much smaller portion of them give a thumbs up/down rating, a smaller portion of them leave a comment. We're seeing that tiny slice of the most passionate viewers. Also, those who are most likely to express themselves are the people who disliked or disagreed with it because there's a lower threshold for expressing yourself:
If you were fine with something, you have little reason to declare that;
if you enjoyed something then you have some reason but enjoying things is the expected/preferred result so most won't stop to comment;
if you loved something then depending on convenience, you may well take the time to tell people - it takes a lot to push people into the 'tell a friend' zone
However, if you disliked something then you're immediately quite likely to tell people. If it's too inconvenient then most still won't bother but I've been compelled to register for some comments section just to voice my rebuttal. Also, if you're the kind of person who expresses their complaints a lot then you're more likely to have these accounts and be frequently use them.
There are so many ways in which our perception of public reactions is skewed. It doesn't help when you have people (like Ana) phrasing things as "The gay community was outraged at..." when, again, probably 16% were "outraged". We're already prone to thinking/talking in absolutes and jumping people together into groups and imagining them all acting in lockstep, terms like "the [-] community" make it impossible not to.
Well that's my daily rant.