Comments by "Leonidas GGG" (@LeonidasGGG) on "Лоуренс Лессиг: Непрерывное шествие к политической реформе" video.
I simpathise with what he said, but not with the solution. It looks to me like all this is going to create is another political party, and it will soon turn into another clog in the wheel.
To me, the solution would be an all out "no vote". If on election day they add no votes. They would have no way to justify: parliament, senators, parties, goverment (as is) all together. All that, would just be big white buildings with nothing in them. Buildings that belong to the people. And it forced them to reform into a system that would really serve us, instead of serving themselves. I know this is (probably) impossible, and many believe we would have anarqy...but, when all else fails why not try the less obvious.
If we have the power to strike (and not work) when we are unsatisfied with our empoyer/company, why not use the same power (no vote) when we are unsatisfied with our goverment?