Comments by "Darkpaw1" (@darkpaw1522) on "NBC News" channel.

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  8.  @Vic2point0  A disagreement of one person isn’t bad, but a collective is a powder keg. It shouldn’t be like that but it is. Simply put, it only takes one bad person to easily corrupt the bunch. Some don’t even do it with ill intentions. Most if the time they do it to fit in, and not stand out. “No LGBT people around the world, what is one little joke gonna hurt”, kind of mentality. This behavior very often grows. Again, not saying you’re like that; but people around their friends act way different than they do solo. Just a word of mindful wisdom. After all we are all human. Those laws are very transphobic. They’ve been created very clearly to target the transgender community. By your logic segregation was okay because “separate but equal”; yeah, see how bad that went. And honestly, controlling whether someone can wear slacks or a skirt is a very dumb law that serves no purpose. America is the land of free. These laws and bills are just separating people, when we should be working together to unite each other. If you were treated as less than American because of your gender you’d feel discriminated too, because that’s exactly what it is. That’s exactly the point. As I stated, you disagreeing alone is not a problem. When you get a collective of people who disagree about transgender people that’s when it becomes an issue, as those people spiral faster and deeper towards bigotry. It’s like levels. Take race for example, someone can be a 1 and be mildly uncomfortable around black people, a very mild racist; but you put a bunch of 1’s in a room and they quickly can become the KKK over time. That’s essentially where people like you are at. You’re a 1 (presumably), disagreeing about trans people, very mildly transphobic; but you put the lot of 1s like you in a room and the chances of radical transphobia increases rapidly. In the end as long as you can at least stop the worst transphobes that makes me comfortable. Someone saying slurs in public, trying to do something discriminatory in a bathroom, and especially regarding harassment or violence just be there for trans people. I think we can at least both agree that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. You don’t have to agree with trans way of life to a good citizen. I think as long as you can do at least that you don’t have to worry about being influenced by the bad people.
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