Comments by "Don Johnson" (@donjohnson5123) on "Legion Of Men" channel.

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  39. Best I post this reply to someone in comments as well: You hear literally every (whatever age) incel turd talking about the Philippines as a passport bro “porn” fantasy dream. Mostly because it’s one of very very few countries in SEA that lets any low rent broke dick turd stay in a long term tourist visa. Very few Chads and Tyrones PB, why would they? They’re getting all the Western Poo Poo, it’s only desperate lonely tools who attempt creating a fantasy and then failing at it. The same percentage, 1%, are decent looking mature exceptional men that succeed as an expatriate. Most vlogs you see are douche bag nitwits hanging around red light districts mongering or hanging out with other deadbeat losers. You never see wealthy done good, got it right expatriates vlogging. It’s always obviously a bunch of low rent turds. The Philippines in regard to housing is absolute dog crap. It’s a dung hole. And indeed, the Filipinas have been strongly influenced by TikTok and social media. They’re onto the game now and becoming 12’s, not 304’s, that’s for the West, but they’re playing these simp suckers big time in that they have 3-4 going at one time “financing” them. And they’ll grab a grandpa, have him paying for everything and banging a local on the side. This BS about going out into the rural villages is also nonsense. Bringing them into Manilla or Cebu is the same as bringing them back to the U.S. or Europe. And these Filipinas are now divorcing rapidly after the house and bank have been obtained. This passport bro BS is slowly but surely becoming exposed. Dropping everything and leaving for the unknown overseas into a vastly different (and very limited culture) particularly when finances (for life) are not set or not 100% and not guaranteed long term is simply stupid. You have no idea how many difficulties and challenges you will face. (Why do you think Bo went to Eastern Europe next door to “Auntie and Uncle?”) I seriously doubt he could hack it inside a radically different culture For every successful expatriate, like myself (Vietnam, retired, wealth locked up, young unicorn communist conservative wife, land and a home, a normal fruitful beautiful life), there are 999,999 fails. Guys who have zero social skills let alone within a foreign speaking culture, this includes boomers. Not just in hooking up a girlfriend or bride, but friends and a social life. If I vlogged I could show you 100 low rent turds sitting in bars or cafes or in the beach completely alone and disalusioned. Why you see so many dickweeds hanging out in western expat bars and places socializing with a bunch of degenerate losers like themselves… Hence again…..that shlt hole of the Philippines as the country of choice. Here in Vietnam these nitwits can’t even approach a female, there’s an entirely vastly different cultural operation than some desperate low I.Q. Unskilled Thai or Filipina who drops panties for any swinging dick. You don’t want that, they have the maturity and mentality of a child and get real annoying after a while. Then there’s the whole family culture aka obligation. Same goes for most of Southeast Asia. The one exception? The dung hole of the “English speaking” Philippines. Where a now emerging growing class of Filipina 304’s is happening quickly. My wife doesn’t even like her family. Aside from about over the last several years a $125 a month stipend to the parents, my wife won’t even let me up the amount. Says the more you give the more they’ll expect. So we give them enough that in their simplified life they don’t have to worry. They operate a small market store out of the front of the house. My Vietnamese wife has few friends and trusts few Vietnamese. She’s 100% dedicated to me. She’s ultra conservative like myself and she’s sharp and savvy. Strong and amazing. And that’s needed because the Vietnamese culture is a maze of unpredictability which is why idiot passport bro’s, the few who try here, fail very badly. How’d I succeed? Well I’m exceptional and intelligent, experienced, worldly and mature. Met and b friended a young local exceptional family man. Asked him to find me someone to hang out with. Culturally he thought I meant wife because they don’t do casual relationships here. Introduced me to my at the time 32 year old virgin unicorn wife - zero body count, never had a boyfriend. And super hot. Couldn’t stand Vietnamese men, and so I was at the right place at the right time. Couldn’t speak a lick of English but taught herself in six months and is now fluent, not in typical broken Asian English, she speaks it like I do. I was here on the old pre-Covid 1 year American tourist visa which doesn’t exist anymore. Had time to learn a bit of the language and how things worked so I could screen my now awesome wife of over 4 years. Meh…’s not rocket science, the Bottom line, passport bro fantasy is total BS. Only 1% of men succeed long term. My advice. Suck it up buttercups and live in reality not passport bro fantasy. Quit falling for this red pill YouTube hoodwink of passports, these vloggers only do it for subs and views. If you have finances locked up, retired, still decent looking and in good physical condition and not a loser jackass and mature enough to handle a completely different culture and way of life - go for it. Otherwise stay the F home, don’t bring your sorry arse out here making a fool out of yourself and eventually failing. I for one don’t need to see it.
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  47. Things to do? only if you’re talking to financially sound retirees. Should be “things to consider” like $2500-$3000 a month guaranteed lifetime income before even thinking about becoming a PB. 99.99999% of broke dick no guaranteed lifetime income established - PB’s fail within the first 18-24 months. The truth of the matter is another 99.99999% of PB’s who claim to be succeeding are low rent losers living bumfuck lives out here. The fact is the only successful living the beautiful life PB’s are established income (portfolio, pension, social security) retired guys. That’s your 0.00001% The hurdles to overcome in expatriating are tremendous. A lot ….many a dickweed discovers are impossible to adapt to. So they sit on the beach without two nickels to rub together, no friends, no honey, not able to assimilate into a radically different culture particularly one that doesn’t speak English and become depressed and bewildered. Many beg in the streets just to get food to eat. Completely out of money, eventually there rounded up and deported back to the West. I’ve NEVER in several years out here met a single expat aka passport bro that was financially set and stable. It’s a bunch of losers who belong in Slab City in the Arizona desert. Living in flea bag rental “rooms” and garbage hostels, crawling around like roaches. The ones vlogging from their cheap high rise condo’s in crap holes like Bangkok or Manilla never last out here. The f’ing money runs out !!! What part of if you’re 40 and under you’ll need 30 years or more of an income steam don’t you get? If you aren’t a minimum of 45 and have at least $250K set up and banked don’t even think of expatriating. Any overseas “job, digital nomading, ….LOL idiot You Tubing… etc.,” ever lasts 10-20-30 years out here or anywhere for that matter. Not sustainable Jag offs you see vlogging as PB’s today you won’t see 2-3 years from now because they will fail. Wealthy men with solid finances living the dream out here DON’T VLOG ON YOUTUBE. We don’t have time for that BS nor any desire to do so. Most of these c-suckers do it for subscribers and views from desperate men in the West so they can try to support themselves out here. Again, never lasts. Bo has family support and presently some little YouTube money, he’s no successful passport bro. The guy sells overpriced merchandise in his YouTube “store” that’s always a sign of a tool trying to survive on YouTube income. Claims he owned a construction business? I call total BS on that. He too won’t be around in a few years. Better check your reality desperado’s because expatriating overseas ain’t gonna happen for you. These overseas nations are now revising tourist visa’s post-Covid, no more long term tourist visas. You want to stay then you pay, big bucks. To get a retirement visa in Thailand and other nations you have to be a minimum of 50. How many of you dreamers don’t qualify. They want big bucks deposited in their bank, a full coverage health care plan that costs you $500+ a month, and proof of monthly income for the last two years in some cases as much as $2500 a month. Sorry suckers, expatriation is for older financially sound retired guys, not you. Most of the heavy PB BS is coming out of the dung hole of the Philippines where the lovely young ladies have become experts at playing the expat game. The little honey you’re in love with and want to take home to mother has 5 other men in the side she’s drawing from. Or she’s been banged up by so many dudes (the PI is a western male loser sausage fest) before you came along you’re getting sloppy 25th’s. Their body count is tremendous. The PI ladies (and Thailand) is nothing but a myth of mostly BS. The PI’s housing looks like 3rd world and is seriously horrible. Thailand no better. Amazingly (and you ain’t getting in here) Communist Vietnam is head and shoulders above the crap holes of the PI, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Malaysia in terms of housing and infrastructure. And the women here….wow, conservative, DON’T speak English, don’t drop panties at the sign of a foreign expat, possess dignity and pride and self-respect. I’m married to one, when you could get a tourist visa long enough to do that. Those days are gone, Vietnam beautifully only gives foreigners 30 days and you’re out. But go ahead, head to the PI and hook up with some cheap Ho and live like a poor broke dick loser. I dare you No short cuts to life, go get an f’ing job, work it for 30 years, accumulate wealth, and then maybe you’ll be able to passport bro
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