Comments by "Don Johnson" (@donjohnson5123) on "THIS IS WHY Men Aren't Getting Married And Women Aren't Having Kids | It's Getting WORSE" video.
Don’t bring you’re sorry $800 a month deadbeat ass out here to Southeast Asia. This is not your escape, even out here you need a minimum of $2000 a month to not be a roach bum.
My advice, knuckle up and take the pain. Most of you Gen X,Y,Z turds voted Biden or got hoodwinked into the college scam.
Welcome to the new world order. If you’re not retired with bank passport bro’ing will fail.
Or you can hoodwink desperate suckers by developing a red pill YouTube channel like Beau and move in with Family in Romania.
Hey Beau, still waiting for an on the street view of these beautifully dressed eastern euro babes who will settle down with a regular guy.
Still waiting for a provable view of your first date with a hot conservative trad Eastern European female. It’s only been what 8 months, so what’s the problem?
Back your BS, show is where you’re living fully, aside from staying indoors throwing together red pill content to keep your only income stream of YouTube how about showing us Romania? No travel around where you live?
Until you have a trad hot eastern euro babe I’m not buying any of your BS.
Just bought an acre out here in Vietnam, beautiful area, will build a nice functional home on it now, total investment oh about $125K. How? Wife’s Vietnamese.
So don’t think you’re buying a house in SEA for $40K. Not gonna happen. Apartment costs rising out here, you’ll need $500-$700 a month for a decent apartment here IN VIETNAM. Cheapest SEA nation.
Don’t buy the hype. Passport Bro’ing is not an option.
The option you have ? Civil war, fix the BS instead of being a Simp. Guarantee you take boomers and make them millennials today and we’d be handling that business.