Comments by "Gerald Montagna" (@GeraldM_inNC) on "20+ Yr Old Woman SLAMS Men Over Her Dating Life, REFUSES To Take Accountability" video.
Regarding the first video. This charge that men mislead women about their intentions was often true historically up to the 1960s. But it hasn't been true since then, and decade by decade it's increasingly rare. Once women decided that they only want the top 10% of men and that they would give their bodies to Chad and Tyrone without securing commitment first, there ceased to be any reason for Alpha Males to mislead women about their intentions. These guys have women throwing their bodies at them 24/7/365, so why would they need to tell lies? And the higher up the male in SMV range, the less need he has to lie. I'm willing to bet that a lifelong obsessive chad-chaser like the one in this video is pursuing the top 1/10 of of 1% -- i.e., men she is competing for against one thousand other women. Tell me, what possible motivation could such high value men have to mislead her about his intentions. None. He just snaps his fingers and the girls come a-running.
So why does this woman in the video charge men with misleading her? The only possible answer is that she assumes -- time after time after time after time -- that if she gives Chad/Tyrone her body, he's now obligated to be her LTR. The problem is that she never bothered telling this to Chad/Tyrone in advance of the hookup: "Commit to me exclusively and then you can have my body." No, she knows full well that if were to say that to Chad/Tyrone, he would just ghost her and move on to the next name in his endless contact list. So instead she pulls this "Bait and Switch". Even though he's given no sign that he can even remember her name she has sex with him anyway, and then announces that their in an LTR. Those men aren't trying to manipulate her, but rather she is trying to manipulate those high value men, to force them into a LTR. I feel very certain that no man ever lied about his intentions to this delusional women; rather, she herself is the liar, having entered into a hookup under false pretenses that it was a only a hookup, whereas in reality she felt (but never openly expressed) that by doing so she was locking the man down.
Who dares say no to this explanation?