Comments by "Gerald Montagna" (@GeraldM_inNC) on "[Response] "Independent Women" Think Men Won't Walk Away From This" video.

  1. I think it's less confusing in the Manosphere if we don't use Chad and bad-boy as synonymous. Chad and Tyrone (and Kevin From Sales) are HVM, which automatically includes as part of their value that they have money. They're desirable for both looks and money. Bad Boys (like Pookie and RayRay and Dave The Unemployed Guitar Player) should be treated as sexually very attractive men without money. I realize that the Manosphere uses these terms very inconsistently, but if we stick to these definitions it will be far less confusing. In their 20s women are hooking up with as many Chads and Bad-Boys as they can, because it validates them. In their 30s they chase Chads to be their mate and provider, and pretend that the Bad-Boys days are behind them. But since Chads won't commit to 304s, they settle for Bryan Beta and hook up with Chads and Bad-Boys behind his back for the sake of sexual satisfaction, as well as to resassert her self-esteem that was damaged by settling for a low value male. But all the time while she's with Bryan Beta she's on the alert for Chads still hoping she can lock one down and monkey-branch to him. She knows she can't monkey-branch to the bad boys unless she wants to support them financially, which she doesn't. In short, I think alpha male HVM like Chad and Tyrone have both looks and money and are desirable for both flings and LTR. Bad Boys like Pookie and RayRay only have looks and are desirable solely for sex. Before marriage women through themselves at both, but after marriage they hook up with both but only plot to monkey-branch to an alpha male. At least that's how I see it.