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Comments by "19SaD82" (@19SaD82) on "Russia Reveals Bakhmut Strategy, Ukraine Vows "Execution" Revenge, Poland Readies 10 More Leopards" video.
@nvmediausa You want to say that the world will be russian? Uhmmm...y'know...that Russia can't even beat Ukraine and you're already eyeing for the world? I mean: Do we even live on the same planet?
Well...didn't Russia push for Kyiv already one year ago? Went splendidly for Russia, didn't it? Denial is strong in russian trolls.
@truthfinder7064 The crimean bridge was fixed in two days? The clocks in your jail are running somewhat different than those clocks running in the rest of the world. The street part of the bridge was fixed some weeks ago (months after the explosions), the railway part isn't fixed. And interesting that you conter with "ghost of Kyiv", who didn't exist, when it comes to the sinking of the Moskva (that once existed...and now serves as home for fishes). The flagship and pride of the Black Sea Fleet - destroyed by a nation without a navy. Hilarious.
@shermanpeabody6102 Don't feel ashamed that you dropped out of school on your first day in school. You still can enlist in online schools to get a feel for numbers. Just repeat: 1 10 100 1000 10.000 100.000 1.000.000 Did you note that 1000 is releatively low compared to the higher numbers? That's because 1000 is lower compared to those higher numbers. Killing 1000 soldiers doesn't teleport Ukraine to Moscow because the russian army consists of more than 1000 soldiers. Way more. Well, with each day way less, but you get the picture, right? Killing 1000 soldiers a day will just ensure that Russia won't be able to sustain for a very long time. Which will, inevitably, lead to ukrainian victory. But killing 1000 russian soldiers alone isn't the victory in itself. Glad, I could help you in understanding numbers. Tune in tomorrow for a lesson in "Ukraine won't invade Russia as Ukraine doesn't need to invade Russia to win this war."
Sniffed too much of your main export product?
@district5198 Russia is advancing backwards. Ukraine already liberated 50% of the territory Russia gained since the start of the war. You are one year behind.
Yep, and Putin revived NATO and gave it a purpose again. It's almost like Putin is a secret co-worker of NATO. Hilarious, if you think about it.
@jaggedskar3890 9:1 advantage in artillery? For Russia? That's a fairly simplistic notion - and because of that wrong. 1. 9:1 advantage in numerical artillery pieces means nothing if you have shell hunger and can only fire 3 of them in a fashion you would need to actually achieve something. 2. Russian artillery lacks the precise components of western artillery - which translates: For every shot western artillery needs to strike a target, Russia needs 3 to 5. Artillery wise Russia and Ukraine are on par, despite the factual numerical advantage in artillery pieces. Air superiority doesn't exist in Ukraine, turning this point mute, too. Which leaves heavy equipment and infantry. Russia doesn't use heavy equipment in and around Bakhmut - because of terrain, because it wasted thousands of them in the past 12 months, because it wouldn't be able to sustain maintenance and ordonnance of them. Which leaves infantry. And russian infantry gets the beating of its lifetime in and around Bakhmut. Russia needs a lot more than a mere 3:1 ratio in soldiers to successfully engage ukrainian lines, because it lacks expertise, equipment and relies on WW1 and WW2 style warfare of throwing bodies at Ukraine to choke ukrainian lines with dead russian bodies. And yes, this Russia does successfully. But it isn't sustainable for any army which relies on doing this.
@jaggedskar3890 See? That's the funny thing about russian trolls: You come with facts and they retreat as fast as the russian army. No arguments but pure "I'll run away so that the truth won't hit me!" Russian soldiers are trying the same with ukrainian bullets, but...y'know.
@jaggedskar3890 Ah, the top paid russian shills. These are your "trusted" sources? McD is screaming for 6 months already "In 2 weeks Russia will attack and ukrainian frontlines will collapse! In two weeks! IN TWO WEEKS!!!" Since 6 months. Yeah, I don't expect russian trolls being able to count ("We will be in Kyiv in 3 days..."), but at least some common sense a human being should possess. 6 months full of "In two weeks!". He is a paid joke. And Ritter, another paid simp, either rants or molests childs. And none of what they said for 12 months already - not a single assessment - came true. Not even the slightest forecast was correct by both propagandists (yes, propagandists - paid members of the Kremlin). You should step out of your echo chamber and face the truth. And if you're unable to write something, don't blame Youtube. It's not Youtube's fault that you're full of sh*t and that you can't back up one single false claim of yours. I did. You're unable to. Get back under your bridge, little troll.
@nashbridges-cu6dy Do you read your own comments before you push "send" on them? I mean: Seriously? Are you one of those people who are dictating their neighbours who they would be allowed to invite to their own dinner? 1. There is no prosperity in Russia. Strange that all those nations after the breakdown of the Soviet Union didn't go to Russia and said: "Hey, was a really nice time in the Union. How can we repeat those glorious days?", but rather straight went for the West to join real prosperity and freedom. Strange, isn't it? What's even stranger: That Russia needed to build a wall in Berlin. Not to keep all those millions of people out who screamed for getting access into this russian utopia, this flesh-made, the wall was being build to keep the population from leaving the Soviet Union. What was wrong with those people? Why not wanting to live in the most free and prosperous piece of land possible? 2. Ukraine is a sovereign nation. It has all the rights to join whichever institution it wants to join. And there was no single law or treaty or promise to not join EU or even NATO. Invading a country because it wants to join institution X is like raping your ex-girlfriend because she wants to sleep with another dude. Are you this kind of person who thinks that would be a reasonable or even justified action? 3. The problem that was and is: Russia. A backwater, corrupt nation that spits upon freedom for its own people and that denies a nation the existence as Putin always made clear - he always refused Ukraine the status of being a country. If someone wants to break your legs, there is nothing you can do to deter him from - if he wants to do it, he will do it as soon as he spots the opportunity and thinks he would be able to get away with it. Those are three points that everyone can spot - as long as someone uses his brain for more than just dreaming of a half-naked Putin on a horse.
@nashbridges-cu6dy So, to reiterate your logic: Because there is a guy pointing a weapon to your head (typical russian propaganda - the West isn't interested in killing Russia; the West is more interested in having a somehwat strong Russia as otherwise China would take a big slice out of Russia and would start to become a slightly above annoying problem) and your friend (whose existence you are denying when conversations happen to mention him) is hanging out with him would lead you to rape your friend? Well, this you should better tell your actual friends so that they can prepare for that - because I somehow doubt that they would be very fond of this idea. And somehow your concept of friendship sounds like the russian idea of perestroika and glasnost. And to your question: I've already answered it: If Ukraine wants to join EU and NATO, then it's their decision. Applications are always checked and nations always have to fulfill economical requirements. If those are met, everyone can join. Even Russia could. Everyone. Because that's the definition of freedom. Nations can join or they can decide not to join. Did you see NATO invading nations and killing their populations because they didn't want to join? No? Ask yourself why that is. The allegory still stands: Wanting to rape your ex-girlfriend because she wants to have a sleepover with a new guy. And no one (besides depraved creatures) considers this an appropriate move. That's why Russia gets slapped around, atm. If Russia should finally reach the 21st century and recognize this simple behaviour (and the corresponding mentality) and just leave Ukraine and let Ukraine live in peace while all the others let Russia live in peace, then the slapping would stop immediatly. It's on Russias part to decide how many people (ukrainian and russian people) shall die furthermore.
@nashbridges-cu6dy So you don't know anything about the world. Okay. No one cares about the resources in Russia - other than Russia and China. All those resources the West has easily access through other nations. How do you think Europe can survive this easily without russian oil and gas? Are you one of those braindead trolls who are believing that Europe froze to death in winter? The same goes for metals and uranium or all the other natural resources. Way more of them to find in nations that are part of the West. And yes, the West has no interest in a destroyed Russia. The reason I've already named: China. Simple enough of a concept to grasp?
@nashbridges-cu6dy Next time before posting a comment: Search for all the contradictions in your post. It's like searching for a needle in a stack of needles: You can't miss them. Wanna try again - but this time with logic and real arguments?
@district5198 So it's western narrative that Ukraine already liberated 50% of formerly russian occupied territory? And it's western narrative that you have to zoom in way, way, way close on a map of Ukraine to find those handful of kilometres Russia managed to gain since September of last year? Even some 70 years old guy with no legs would have been able to crawl this distance in that span of time. What an achievement for the second strongest army in the world then, eh? Russia has already lost this war. Now it's just a question of how many russian lives Putin can throw away until Russians start to ask some questions. And no amount of Copium will change anything on that.
@district5198 Do you believe in those things you're writing or are you getting paid to write them? Seriously interested in that answer. The only people who really think Russia would be winning are the ones who really think that China and Russia would be friends - spoiler: China is solely friend to China. And what China expects from this war: To take as long as possible. Not to hurt the West as the West can't be hurt by this, but by hoping that Russia will collapse. Those sweet resources near the chinese borders that happen to be on russian territory are tempting for China. And because China and India are such big buddies with Russia they pay way less for oil than they could (y'know - like good friends would...) and are dictating this low price onto Russia which has to obey because otherwise no one would buy their oil anymore...y'know - like good friends... And you know the funny thing about this? The money from those oil exports doesn't even reach the amount of money Russia needs to maintain the oil pumps and the infrastructure around it. Which contradicts your troll claims about Russia making money... But do I expect you would understand numbers? As someone who was parroting the "We will be in Kyiv in 3 days!" at the beginning of the war, when we now slowly reach day 400? You know the answer, I guess... Russia has already lost. It just has some more russian people it can send to their deaths. That's the whole thing Russia can achieve in this war: Depopulating itself. If you call this a win - well, good for you. The rest of the world would be on your side in regards to that one, I bet. But the actual victory in this war? This Ukraine already has achieved.
@district5198 All well documented that Russia is screwed, yep. No, actually: All well documented that Russia screwed itself all by itself - just by making the dumbest decision ever. Putin won't go down in history as the president of a prospering and growing Russia - Putin will go down and be known as the last president of Russia. And all of you trolls are mighty afraid of that. Well, too bad. Turns out people don't like bullies. Especially bullies that are just able to run their mouths and otherwise just run away. All well documented.
@spicesmuggler2452 So, you want to say that you don't believe in a russian victory after two years of war? That sounds like mocking the russian army - you're breaking russian laws and Putin will hear of that, hunt you down and open a window for you. You have to love those russian trolls. Even too dumb to troll.
@notastone4832 Then you're not listening correctly. Those numbers are fluctuating. Three days ago it was on a low of 450 (or something), then 650 (or something), then 850 (or something), now 1000. Stating that Ukraine would claim 1000 straight every day is, as usual by russian trolls, a lie. And if you would follow the actual news and not reside in a russian echo chamber you would know every day why said number appeared. Let's take those 1000 from today: 1. Missile strikes in Melitopol at which the mayor of Melitopol spoke of several hundred dead russians (to emphasize: The pro-russian mayor of Melitopol). Further strikes on two troop concentrations (one in Donetzk and one on Zaporizhzhia). Those were russian deaths in the rear of the frontline. 2. Renewed attacks around Avdiivka in which Russians got a bloody nose. Again. Visually confirmed. 3. Bakhmut, as usual. Just count the dead and you will see that those daily amounts are fairly accurate. Denying won't help you.
@martynanstis1620 You can't expect that russian trolls are capable of understanding those numbers. Neither the amount nor the implications by those. How could they, to be honest? They are residing in an echo chamber in which they are constantly bombarded with "Russia is advancing! Russia is advancing!" but when you open a map of Ukraine to look at how much they already advanced since the last huge counter offensive by Ukraine, you have to zoom in...and zoom in...and zoom in...and zoom in furthermore to reach a middle-sized city of former 70k people (which is nothing in the 21st century) and llok at some kilometres on a 40 km long stretch of a 1000 km long frontline. If they aren't able to even grasp the scope of Ukraine and that Russia is unable to win in this war, then you can't expect that they grasp the number of 50k to 70k dead russians in the past one to two months in Bakhmut alone. Small brains just can handle small numbers.
@mrjerzheel If Russia is winning why did they stop advancing? Why don't they own one single province fully after one year of war? Why is Russia not capturing one single large city (Bakhmut isn't even that) since more than half a year? Why is Russias military bleeding itself dry on senseless attacks along the whole frontline without achieving anything? To your question: War is ebb and flow: Attacking, then defending while the other side attacks, rince and repeat. Ukraine had three major offensives in which they took huge swaths of russian occupied territory (with every single offensive) - in between Russia attacked and...didn't take anything meaningful, if anything at all. At the moment Russia is on the offensive. Well, it says so, but this is the most pathetic offensive in the history of mankind. After Russias offensive will stall (which will happen in some weeks), Ukraine is again on the offensive. Especially because then the western equipment and the thousands of ukrainian soldiers who were trained in the West are back in Ukraine. Seriously - are you living under a rock? Don't you hear and read everywhere that those things are arriving and Ukraine is already planning the next offensive? Well, get out of your echo chamber, then.
@lordvladimirputin7895 You should look into a dictionary to learn what "encircled" mean. "Encircled" doesn't mean: Unable to close a 4km wide gap that is a huge, working support line between Chasiv Yar and Bakhmut which allows to rotate units in and out of town as Ukraine is doing for days already. Look it up and enjoy learning something new every day.