Comments by "Shiela Tee" (@shielatee302) on "Assoc Prof Eugene Tan on postponement of National Day Parade to Aug 21" video.

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  13.  @donhuang9855  Just because I m a woman. Thus I must be an emotional being. What a sexist remark. Just like you Favourite Bunch in Parliament who uses the term ~ Freeriders since the PM is one…so easy to identify another. Racist Xenophobic n Privileged coming from from a bunch of Incompetent Entitled Bunch! I am looking for Sound Leadership for All not A FEW AT THE TOP or in Office…especially the Singapore Core. This country was built not by this set of Incompetence but on the blood n sweats of the ones before them. They are just reaping the benefits. Here you are still defending these bunch of Utter Uselessness plus a Non Leader of a PM. You are the one giving them a Pass out of Jail for all their Missteps. Their Failure is simply because they left their Honour n Pride at the door of the Parliament serving Foreigners n Foreign Entities so that they too get a piece of the bounty. So no don’t put this on me. I am Not the One being paid with Public Funds. Every mistake is being covered up by giving them A New Portfolio n A New Ministry to Destroy! Sorry I do not Reward Incompetence n Bad Performance individuals. That is not A Successful Enterprise should be run. That was what they in Office keep claiming Gov Inc. We put The Best with the Right Knowledge in the Right Place. If you ever pick up a book by any successful individual…the one thing that stick in mind is ~ They Do not Know Everything BUT They make sure to put the Right People with the Right Skills n Knowledge at the Right Position. The PM just need a herd of dumb sheep 🐑 to follow him around. No question ask. His just like Najib is a Politics of Money. The insulting part of the whole thing. It is the Tax dollars n The country Reserve is his Gambling Money. That is Utter Shamelessness on top of being a Total Loser! Rather than lecturing me. You should start talking to the person in the mirror for letting such blatant Disservice to People n Country to continue to happen! Just Go away. You already show me which lane you are on. We have nothing to say to each other!
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