Comments by "Walter Bailey" (@walterbailey2950) on "RE: NS is Socialism | Responding to your counterarguments and Further Explanation" video.
@FrankGrauStudio Yes and targeting Jews for theft of their property is not consistent with any leftist ideology.
Every political system is potentially vulnerable to gangsters like Joseph Stalin. But in comparing Nazi and communist ideology only the communist valid ideological principle is to eliminate classes. The Nazis avowed principle was to prevent the elimination of classes. And the Bolshevik elite notwithstanding the Soviets did far more redistribution of wealth then did the Nazis.
Every state told its industry how it should be run an organized during World War II. By your measure capitalism didn’t exist in any of the major powers of World War II. And you know that’s ridiculous. This is another example of you’re trying to force your anachronistic expectations of utopian anarco-capitalism on a past where no one even tried to make it happen. And you’re ignoring the fact that Germany had been authoritarian with extensive private industry long before the Nazis. Do you think that Krupp didn’t exist before Hitler? German capitalist supported the Nazis and were rewarded with more profits. Not fitting your cult’s utopian definition of capitalism which didn’t exist at the time doesn’t make them into socialists.
You think it’s false that authoritarianism has so much longer history in conservative states simply because there have been socialist authoritarian states? LOL
So leftist ideology as we know it today didn’t even exist before the French Revolution. Now you’re claiming that the appearance of left estates when it happened had some kind of power to alter the space-time continuum and make the entire history of authoritarianism for hundreds of years before disappear? Or perhaps you’re saying that when socialist states finally arrived they also acquired a time machine and sent revolutionaries back to 17th century France and convinced Louis the 14th to become a socialist. Why didn’t he ever talk about this or do anything else consistent with left ideology in that case? He was definitely authoritarian.
Come on seriously you just don’t know what you’re talking about and it’s ludicrous.
By the way you’re wrong about the origin of the left right political spectrum. Derives from the position of representatives on the French national assembly during the French revolution, which since the Revolution helped give rise to both fascism and leftism, is a very appropriate And meaningful spectrum to use in describing ideology appearing since the French Revolution.
Your problem is you just can’t understand the history of ideology or much of anything about any ideology simply by trying to read through all of history your narrow cult anarcho-capitalist “ideas”
Whether or not an ideological principle to red-distribute wealth In an effort to reduce or eliminate economic classes is correct doesn’t change the fact that IT HAS HAPPENED a lot in socialist states as state policy. The Nazis actually tried to stop it from happening. And it was never a tenant of their ideology. This is a key point that you keep trying to avoid because you know that you can’t portray the Nazis as leftist unless you can avoid this truth.
The Nazis reason for stealing from Jews doesn’t mitigate the immorality of doing so but it does tell you what the ideological motivation was. And it couldn’t have been Leftist unless they were targeting economic classes instead of only racial enemies. Only targeting a group for theft because of their race is simply contrary to leftist principles and it doesn’t help further the leftist goal of eliminating economic classes at all. And the Nazis didn’t take wealth away from non-Jews any more than did Western Democracies at the time. In fact they did less of it than Franklin Roosevelt.
Again the existence of a bolshevik elite made up of hypocritical gangsters who took advantage of the revolution in the Soviet union doesn’t change leftist ideology or the fact that the bolsheviks did far more actual confiscation and redistribution of wealth than the Nazis and differed radically from the Nazis in re-distributing in order to try to eliminate economic classes. What the state does with wealth and the reasons for it do matter in understanding the ideology.
Internationalism has been a core principle of leftist ideology since it’s inception. It’s always been an anathema to fascist ideology. Russia is no longer socialist and the existence of nationalism has never been completely stamped out in socialist states anyway. When the Soviets needed to win the war they tapped into Russian nationalism as a means to rally their people against the Germans. That doesn’t make nationalism a component of socialist thought or change the fact that it’s contrary to socialist ideology. The Chinese have dropped most of their socialist policies and are more authoritarian capitalist in practice than they are truly socialist.
But you define leftism as simply equivalent to any authoritarianism in an absurd ahistorical manner which makes everything but your own anarcho-capitalism socialist.
So your “analysis” isn’t to be taken seriously. It would have us believe that there were leftist states all over the world hundreds of years before the left as we know it was even started and that European monarchs such as Frederick the Great and Louis the 14th were socialists simply because they were authoritarian. LOL
“So the Nazis were fine with a globalist agenda of the right?” What are you talking about? Can you give an example of any right wing effort to unite workers across the world for Socialism? If they’re not doing that, It’s not Internationalism. It’s something that is core to Nazi ideology called “global conquest” by force, not in order to unite any economic classes across geographical boundaries, but in order to take from everyone what rightly belongs only to the master race according to the tenants of fascist ideology, which is completely in conflict with Leftist Internationalism you dufus.
Yes economic class conflict exists in leftist ideology and only in leftist ideology. It’s not in Nazism or other fascism. Hitler had people killed for advocating it.
“Unless one was a jew.” No that’s not an exception because Nazi persecution of Jews wasn’t about economic class warfare at all. It was about targeting “racial enemies.” Your analogy about fish is ridiculous, Because it tries to ignore the ideological motivation for attacks on the Jews while trying to identify the ideology of the attackers. In affect you’re saying that all we have to know is that they were attacked not what the ideological purpose of the attack was: when we’re trying to determine not just that they were attacked but the ideology of the attackers.
Gangsters usually start socialist regimes from the outset? So now you’re going to use the no true Scotsman fallacy yet again to make Karl Marx, Frederick Engels and even Leon Trotsky disappear from history with their places to be taken by Stalin as much more than what he actually was?
And Socialism isn’t the only utopian ideology without practical examples for its full realization. The same could be said for the existence of actual anarcho-capitalist societies. By your own standard therefore your ideology of anarcho-capitalism is not real because whenever people try it it doesn’t work as stated. In fact the results of attempting capitalism without any government have simply been anarchy and loss of liberty for everyone but a few.
“ My point exactly” Thus again you missed the point. Stalin was an individual who Diverted socialism from its avowed purpose. That doesn’t change the ideology. On the other hand Hitler’s gangsterism was entirely consistent with Nazi ideology. With leftist and Nazi ideology we are talking about two entirely different things.
That’s factually incorrect to say that the Nazis were fine with equality except where Jews were concerned. Hitler for instance explicitly stated that it would be wrong to take the wealth of Aryan business leaders and give it to anyone else, even other Aryans. He said that wealthy Aryans had earned their power and position due to superior ability and achievement and that to confiscate their wealth would unjustly deny them what was theirs by right. He attacked democracy for its tendency to try to take away the power, wealth, and position earned by capitalist elites saying that it was thereby creating a path to communism. That was the attack he used against the United States in particular to suggest it the US was led by a conspiracy of Communist Jews.