Comments by "" (@AdamBladeTaylor) on "Classified Docs Found At Mike Pence’s Home Days After Slamming Biden For The Same Thing" video.

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  3. This literally happens ALL THE TIME. There are over a million people in the US who have classified access. When these people leave office, they often misplace documents (as they have hundreds of thousands to quickly sort through and pack away). When someone finds docs, they turn them over. That's it. It never made headlines until a certain orange traitor REFUSED to return the docs he stole. If he had turned them over when asked, NONE of this would be talked about. And he wouldn't be going on trial for it. Because the crime is NOT simply having the documents. It's WILLFUL RETAINMENT. It's being told to hand them over and NOT DOING SO. If you misplaced them, fine, it happens, hand them in. The second you DON'T you've committed a federal crime. Biden, Pence, Obama, Cheney, Bush, various generals, department heads, etc... all of them have found documents from their time in office, and have simply turned them over. No fuss, no media storm. Just procedure. One of the Constitutional experts was talking about how Jimmy Carter had found classified documents in a box of old files sitting in an attic he was clearing out. They where from when he was in office over 20 years ago. He sorted through, made sure anything belonging to the government was found, and turned them all over. And that was that. Nobody in the press said a word, because it was no more important than someone turning in a misplaced library book. It happens constantly. The government does NOT track all documents, not even all classified documents. There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of these generated daily. Daily briefings and reports for Pres, VP, department leaders, etc... inter office memos, schedule updates, confirmations, etc... tons of stuff is "classified" even if it's honestly just irrelevant. That's how the bureaucracy works. Only the very top level secrets get tracked. And that's no guarantee of safety. After all, the orange traitor stole TS-SCI docs. Those are locked up in a vault and have to be signed out and then viewed in a SCIF, and then signed back in. Which means someone in charge of those documents, falsely signed for documents that WERE NOT RETURNED. THOSE people need to be found and prosecuted.