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Comments by "" (@Zenobiazera665) on "Climate expert explains extreme global weather" video.
@pepetruelo What you are referring to is as I said more to do with dissatisfaction with the ruling classes par se than carbon tax in isolation, therefore might I presume to suggest that rather than aiming at individual "campaigns" which in fairness you agree have validity aim at the root cause of the problem, and see if you can hit that target, I'll warn you its slippery ;)
@pepetruelo There are alternative fuels, interestingly large US oil companies bought the rights and are sitting on them, so whilst I agree that the corporates and ruling elite see this as an opportunity to make more money and gain more power in the US, in the EU it is working in reverse, demand of the consumer is for cleaner air, renewable energy. In the EU this is not so much a campaign as accepted science of the past 20 years, the USA has a long way to go to catch up. cont...
@pepetruelo ie: ... the reason for the tax in the first place. But like I said this is not restricted to carbon tax it applies to all tax. Individually you may wish to look at your carbon emissions and illuminate them wherever possible, hence, no tax.
@pepetruelo We are all responsible as it is the values of the majority that fuel the direction society takes. We can all contribute in our own way, you have heard the saying "a healthy family, a health country, a healthy world - all grow outward from a single person". We are all human, therefore all potentially have the failings and virtues of our species. cont...
@pepetruelo Oh please you have no basic understanding of sustainability do you. It is not about how many people one can build houses for it is about maintaining the Eco system we are dependent upon for our own survival. As hardy as our species is, there is a very small band of habitability that we are able to survive in. cont...
@pepetruelo It would help things immensely if we as a people did not buy into the propaganda and subjugation emitted by the ruling elite that divides us therefore enabling their rule. We all more or less want the same thing the world over, whatever creed or colour we may be.
@pepetruelo I disagree with your analysis the core of the problem runs far deeper. Corporates are driven by consumerism, consumerism if fueled by greed. Everyone engaging in this paradisaical interaction has responsibility, I do not exclude my self although some of us do aspire to opting out when ever and where ever possible. cont...
@robertghouston One can be humanitarian, something I aspire to, but without having the belief that we are any more or less special than the next species, indeed I think it would be hard to be a humanitarian if one believed our species to be special, as those that do also are predisposed to having elitist beliefs within our own species, ie: some are more entitled than others.
@robertghouston "Heaven and Earth are ruthless, and treat the myriad creatures as straw dogs." If humans disturb the balance of the earth they will be trampled on and toss aside. Humanists who intensely dislike the Gaia theory as they believe as a species we are different, indeed elevated from all other species and in control of our own destiny. "The truth is they fear and hate it because it means humans can never be anything other than straw dogs."
@pepetruelo Eg: Existing wild habitats like the rain forest could be given over to become green genetically modified deserts giving higher yields and stripping the soil further of any remaining nutrients. Mankind would of created for themselves a new geological era, the Ermozoic, the Era of Solitude, where little remains on Earth but themselves & the prosthetic environment that keeps them alive Mankind’s own version of being in control of his own destiny is to create his own life support machine
@pepetruelo You also misunderstood my earlier comet I was not referring to a % of the world, I was referring to the band of Eco system, ie: how much oxygen we need in the atmosphere, the necessary diversity bla bla bla, please re read it so we are on the same page at least.
@pepetruelo With regards to the small bandwidth; The Eco system only needs to swing one way or the other for Earth to become uninhabitable for human life. Earth will continue, humans will be a thing of the past if the existing Eco system fails in such a respect that there is not enough oxygen, the food chain is interrupted etc It doesn't take much We almost became extinct once before around 120,000 yrs ago, estimates of population are as low as a few 1,000 from a few 100,000 in a short time span
@robertghouston Then you are not entirely a humanist as you do see the bigger picture;) I was referring to those concerned only with human interests, who "believe" humans are in charge of their own destiny more so than any other species. This boils down to the salvation meme and nothing more, ie: the concept that one can escape the constraints of ones environment and ultimate outcome of natural order if one behaves this way or that, be that belief in science or religion.
@Icix1 We are in the middle of the 6th mass extinction, every 20 mins 1 unique species is lost for ever. At no time in Earths history has extinction occurred at such an accelerated rate from the evidence we have to date. Yes there are too many of us, we are approaching 7 billion, we cannot feed 7 billion even if we turn over rainforest's to become genetically modified deserts, that would only further disrupt the Eco system we rely on for our own survival.
@pepetruelo Earth has a self regulating mechanism, so in turn the planet will evolve to become less supporting of human life. So all those that wanted control of your own destiny congratulations, at this point its all up to you, humans will even have to produce breathable air, cos nothing else will at that point. Well done!
@pepetruelo Education is the answer to most of the issues we face today. Unfortunately it is not in the ruling elites interests to have educated slaves, preferring instead to indoctrinate and divide. I would not call informing the public of scientific evidence a campaign, unless you are the ruling elite in which case it would be the last thing you want. cont...