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Comments by "AQuietNight" (@AQuietNight) on "Styxhexenhammer666" channel.
At some point you will be saying goodbye to YouTube. Any platform within California will be subjected to intense pressure to put on just the right kind of videos.
I swear we had this conversation about 650 years ago.
Since the late 1970's the left was only "liberal" when it benefitted them. They went from liberal to self absorbed and self serving.
A.I. will eventually turn on it's creators.
You still do not get i Styx, it's not YouTube, it's Silicon Valley culture. It's California culture that is the problem.
At the level you are talking about, Google has no master, they are part of the intellectual collective that is here to save us all from ourselves..
France will take it's place next to all the great liberal Islamic democracies of the world.
I'd rather have John Bolton than another John Kerry or Hillary Clinton.
New York City did a study after a messy incident years ago and found police under tension go into a sort of reflex mode so they shoot even if they didn't intend to.
"That's what Millennials are about. " They're about being annoying nags.
A lot of Boomers were tied to the World War 2 generation and living with the after affects of the war as well as the Great Depression.
I do not think Cruz would be dumb enough to like such a post.
When Israel sends a woman to prison for 10 years for not using headwear, I'll reconsider.
The Mideast is so peaceful with Islam in control.
Styx has gone corporate.
You need to lay off the energy drinks. One reason I support Trump is Jeff Sessions. He was willing to take heat over illegal immigration when everyone else ran for cover. Sessions is not perfect in all his ways but he is far better than many others and if he believes in an issue he will take the heat.
Ann Coulter along with Michelle Malkin are bomb throwers that helped clear the path for today's commentators. Berkeley is populated with a bunch of well moneyed self absorbed privileged left wing azzholes. Then again, most of California is.
I think many of those feminists just need a man to tell them to sit down and shut up.
Google likes Hillary. The issue with Obama and Islam vs everyone else is racial.
It would take a really novel approach or argument to overturn Roe Vs Wade at this point.
Netflix could have done a series called "Dear California White Liberal Assholes". The show could explore their need to endlessly moralize.
How about this: Employers of any kind should not be required to provide coverage they do not believe in. Simple, easy. Your argument gives backing to the Democrats and the last thing you want is to encourage them into making more regulations.
I tend to think Obama was the son of Frank Marshall Davis and not the guy from Kenya (who may have been a front story). I can not recall in my lifetime another U.S. president treated with the open contempt Obama has been.
I waiting for the day this guy announces he flew out to San Francisco to give Eric Schmidt a back massage.
Park had already agreed to leave office. The impeachment motion seemed to be a bit vindictive.
Whether or not you like the Bush family you have to give them credit... when they announced a run for office, they ran.
We are soooooo screwed.
The author did say this happens mainly with white women. I would have said, now you know what white men have to put up with.
A lot of Hillary supporters realize she's tainted goods. As for gays, they're probably a people both parties wish would go away.
Maduro will probably be deposed, given asylum by Obama and then he'll run for a seat on the Chicago Board Of Education
There goes your nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
Huffington Post is staffed by white liberal a-holes, as is Slate, where white liberal a-holes that weren't hired by the Huffington Post go. At least the New York Times (run by another white liberal a-hole) has Sarah Jeong.
Math is racist too. The KKK has it's fingerprints all over subtraction.
I think Donna Brazile was set up for a fall at the DNC.
By the time things affect you negatively, the situation may have already gone to far to reverse.
You could have knocked this video down to 30 seconds by stating the obvious, the white Democrat male today is a dick. Worse yet if they are gay.
I had heard the same, the pipeline doesn't go onto Indian land.
Jay 45: It's not the Jews, there are a lot of Jews that do not like this. People like you also seem to forget a lot of Non-Jews are involved as well. Smarten up.
For many of these protesters, taking down a statute maybe the only significant thing they ever do with their lives.
Don't worry, the Democrats need the dreaded white conservative male to keep their party glued together. The Left always needs an enemy to keep together component groups before they start fighting amongst themselves and then start splintering. So they make the dreaded white conservative male the enemy. The white female leftie tends to follow along with the herd and they cheerfully blather any popular chant of the moment. The white male leftie has had their manhood so greatly reduced they will not voice an objection because someone may say something mean to them. I do think the white leftie is in a state of self erasure as in the next 4-8 years nonwhites will be of such a number they won't need the pandering and preening white male to act as some sort of societal middleman. Will 2016 or 2020 be the last election a white heads the Democratic Party ticket?
Kamala, like Adolf Hitler before her were both appointed to their position, not earned through popular vote.
If you are reading this, you are a Hitler.
Kennedy is the legal crossdresser on the court.
Minnesota means The Land Of White Liberals With No Point or Purpose.
The Democrats will not run another white in 2020. It is quite possible Hillary will be the last white candidate for the Democratic Party.
Andrew Cuomo said just what he intended to say and Andy said what a LOT of Democrats think. The father was about as annoying as the 2 sons Andrew and Chris.
If I am right the federal government uses the Interstate Commerce Clause to regulate drugs.
I never put Mel Brooks and subtle together. Now give me a hrmphhh from that guy.
You better lay off those MRE's. They put you in a gloomy mood.
It is NOT a moral panic, it is a taste issue. You do not operate in a bubble, you operate in the broader environment. Companies with big bucks that advertise on here want happy potential customers. Google wants advertisers to be happy they are getting happy potential customers. Make up videos create happy potential customers. Some oddball talking about perverse things or swearing up a storm offend the vast majority of people. They will not be happy viewers. They do not want their kids seeing that stuff. Google says, see ya in order to keep the happy viewers. It's no secret, Google has pretty much said they rather have happy viewers than a freak farm of right wing lunatics. They might keep a few around to say they are fair to everyone but since Google said YouTube has to start covering it's costs, you knew which direction YouTube would be headed.