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Comments by "AQuietNight" (@AQuietNight) on "DW News" channel.
Someday I wish the white lefties that run DW will step out of their bubble.
@Cryptospirosis You couldn't care less about the American Indian. Admit it. Or any natives any where. C'mon, fess up. How do I know? You enjoy the benefits every day. Genocide made modern life easy and everyday your life is made easier because of it. Or are you ready to give up electricity and the internet?
@Cryptospirosis 7,000 years of human history suggests that is doubtful.
The Philippines can be a real headache for the U.S. If the U.S. were to "reign him in" we would be imperialist. If we do nothing he is a CIA backed thug.
The Mayor can begin with the Democrat Party headquarters then work from there. Always start at the source.
This is good news.
Countries that have nationalized companies still pay a lot.
@totallyprofessional3571 Reliable? A small joy that comes out of this is Putin is slowly making Russia a satellite state of China. China is the one keeping the lights on in Moscow.
Kari Lake might make a fun president.
But Trump is a lot of fun.
This would not have been a problem if Putin didn't invade Ukraine.
What the Russians giveth, they also take away.
How many times has the Soviet Union/Russia attacked it's neighbors versus how many times NATO has attacked the Soviet Union/Russia?
This is not good news for Russia or the Mideast.
@lagrangewei GM and Communist Party owned.
The American car band Buick was one of the biggest selling in China.
The U.S. is still the world's largest manufacturer.
The United States has had endless disputes with Europe since 1776. By the way, how's that great new trade deal with China working out for Australia?
Just cut off trade with China and watch Xi Jinping melt down wondering what he will do with millions of unemployed Chinese.
I.Q. in the west has been dropping.
If there is ever a war against Russia, I trust the Russians will not be expecting any charity or concern.
@RuskiVanka The Soviet Union/Russia has been threatening the use of atomic bombs on the United States for decades :) Putin just did it a few months ago on Ukraine. Peaceful cities? All of Japan was involved in war production. And the Soviet Union had no problems with relentless bombing of Germany into rubble by the U.S. and the U.K. when it served their purpose. Your concern is touching. I'm moved by your humanity.
@RuskiVanka Sorry, the Japanese military had little intention of surrendering, it would be a loss of too much face. Some elements were ready to over throw the Emperor if he chose to surrender. The U.S. gave warnings about the bomb. The Japanese didn't answer clearly so the go ahead was given to drop the bomb. Japan itself suggests the lack of clear response was due to a translation error that sent the wrong meaning to the U.S. Truman would have been crucified by the American public if he held back on the use of a weapon that could have ended the war sooner. Yea, I studied history too. You get a lot of mumbo-jumbo mixed in with actual events like saying the Japanese were ready to quit the war... they weren't. The United States had already tested the bombs in the state of New Mexico, and there was knowledge of what the bombs could do. The United States did record the data on the actual effects when the U.S. occupied Japan. It would have been dumb not too.
@RuskiVanka The Japanese had no intention of surrendering, Just history.
@conscience4942 Isn't it nice you probably live a comfortable life not surrounded by enemy occupiers looking for any old excuse to kill you just because they can.
It's called forcing the Japanese to surrender. The Japanese were warned before hand. Also note Japan's war industry was mixed in with residential areas. By the way, no one asks the people who suffered under Japanese occupation how they feel.
@matejbludsky8410 Are religious views all that different from political views? I think you should think about this longer. Josef Stalin thought his way of running the Soviet Union was just fine and he killed anyone that disagreed. Following your logic, that is a perfectly fine way of running a country as long as religion wasn't involved. You come from a failed way of thinking... that secular views are just perfect.
@matejbludsky8410 I didn't get it wrong, I directly quoted the Constitution. People argue religion, politics, economics and everything else. Politics IS beliefs. And that is why there is Congress, a forum to argue about everything. You just can't force religion on others.
@matejbludsky8410 The wall of separation was a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson to indicate the U.S. government has no official state religion. It is not in the Constitution. This is what the Constitution says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." The founders did not exclude religious practice during government business.
That worked great in the Soviet Union and even China.
Biden is always preaching unity, just before he goes on the attack. That is what Democrats do.
I guess Russia ran out of tanks.
Solar panels and a well prepared German army will reduce the risk of war with Russia.
India was a friend to Russia, not the United States.
The Chinese have given Joe Biden a thumbs up. For the life of me, I can't imagine why. :)
All this is the result of listening to the cream of western intellectual thought.
The very basis of his impeachment was knocked out. The Democrats, which humiliated themselves over it never mention the impeachment any more.
Let me translate that for you. In the United States when someone charges another with science denier, it usually indicates the person being charged doesn't agree in part or in whole with the day's hot left wing theory or thinking. Most agree the climate is changing, the issue is the method to control it and what trade offs are reasonable vs too much.
For decades I have heard about the end of us all... yet here we are. What if the global elite threw a panic party and no one attended?
I have a hunch the Democrats will see even greater donations from Silicon Valley.
In the U.S. it's left wing lunatics doing the damage. Our far right holds a protest then clean up after themselves when they are done.
They have only been fighting for a 1,000 years. You have any suggestions?
Look at the bright side, India is getting oil on the cheap thanks to the war.
And this makes what the Russians are doing is better how?
I can't help but thank Russia by saving the world from Ukraine domination.
Putin is talking. The United States can completely level Russia. And he knows it. On the other hand Putin has a huge ego. And the West should play that angle, do the Russians want to die for Putin's ego?
You can not be a high wage country and expect to sell to a low wage country.
It was said when Donald Trump won, the world would end. Yet here we are.