Comments by "Rhythmicons" (@Rhythmicons) on "Highland Park Suspect Was in Online Communities Where People Are "Programming Themselves to Kill"" video.

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  10.  @arianollie5496  It's not a pendulum it's a coup. Just like right before the Civil War, conservatives (slave owners) saw the writing on the wall; they didn't have the North's population, they didn't have any more slave states to carve out of territory, California put free soil south of the 36º 30' line, so their majority in the House and Senate was jeopardized. They were no longer able to keep the F-Street Mess, which were people in important positions of power that could kill any bill that mentioned slavery, so they opted to settle it on the battlefield by seceding without even seeing what Lincoln was going to do. This is the same thing that is happening today when the right considers that they are a minority demographically, and that people of color are going to outnumber them in a few decades. So they are done with democracy. We are witnessing conservative social engineering so that WASPs never lose their grip on the levers of power and if that means dispensing with the whole goddamn constitution they are already in the process of doing so. The left is going to have to decide whether or not they are willing to fight for the principles of the Constitution or if they want to live in a fascist authoritarian theocracy. All of the laws that you don't like amount to "We don't want your kind around here" laws. The right wants enclaves of power where they rule without accountability because they don't want people in their states who don't look and think like they do. When neo-Confederates argue that the South will rise again, this is what they mean.
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