Comments by "Jacob Westerfield" (@SonnyWest87) on "Ben Shapiro: Black Culture Expert" video.

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  4. You’re misunderstanding she’s saying or just not wanting to understand because you’re bias. When you’re stopped by the police not everyone is dealt with the same. There’s no stats on that but from the amount of police to black ppl deaths you can tell blacks aren’t given the same leniency other, no ALL other cultures are. This leads to harsher and longer punishments for the most basic infractions. J walking? An arrest!(vs cop looking the other way or warning) Speeding? Must show up in court and pay high fine(vs let go and warning). Any issue involving the police usually involves a way harsher sentencing than other races, because of inherent bias against that race. Imagine how many officers exist in these comments and think like you people think that will say “oh it’s their culture, I hate these people, they’ll never change and they’re useless, let’s just lock em all up.” In their heads. It’s this thinking that bullies one race over the other. Also, adding someone in the criminal justice system hinders things like self esteem, derails them from a successful collegiate or corporate career. It’s the CJ that can derail a 18yr to a 60yr old. It’s a twisted way to cull the success of a particular race. No other race has had so much hatred and backlash against them to be involved in simple social activities. Indians? Italians? Japanese? Jews? Nah none. They all had amounts of hatred but not to the point they have a whole political faction dedicated to hating them.
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