Comments by "Jacob Westerfield" (@SonnyWest87) on "Chris Williamson"
The data about men being married only shows: “men” + “married”. Is MARRIAGE keeping them employed, OR are women choosing to be subservient to certain men, who in exchange fill a willingness to marry this woman and maintain his financial participation within their household?
I would say these are men who are already motivated to work jobs and to have more accessible jobs. These women choose them, and they dont lose their jobs.
Black men being overrepresented is telling. Blacks dont have high levels of education attainment outside of the major east coast cities(DC, ATL,nyc) and maybe midwest(chicago). So jobs requiring degrees will naturally shun them, this would also likit their participation in the labor market. Also, being black can limit ppls willingness to empooy you over your white, asian, indian working counterpart who wiuld assumed to be better workers”, only leading to a self fulfilling prophecy because these ppl being employed more gives them more experience, allow them to pass down skillsets and knowledge amongst kids, only helping them attain and retain 😮jobs more.