Comments by "Jacob Westerfield" (@SonnyWest87) on "CNN"
@edwinhuang803 Wrong HUANG. Many Americans aren't qualified for our OWN jobs?! Incorrect sir. With the top universities in the country? No we're certainly qualified. But companies want CHEAP labor. So there is the crux of the cheap, possibly high quality(maybe) labor that they want to increase h1B visas for. BUT Canada has already played this hand, and it did not turn out well. Canada wasnt just letting anyone in, but h1b visas, or 'high quality' labor, though it was a scam, and they are paying for it now. No affordable anything, no jobs, high grocery prices, lack of housing, etc. H1b Visas NEED to be LIMITED and not expedited. Also, we need to REMOVE those that are overstaying their h1b visas, before giving MORE visas away to more people. No thank you.
@手笨也得吃饭 We dont need more false scamming, low quality tech talent we can find in our coutnry, that companies turn down every 5 minutes, to apper to be iring. I have tons of American friends in tech that find it has gotten INCREDIBLY harder to get through to the rounds from these companies, and it almost appears that they are playing a bit of a game, and not really hiring or needing to hire. To be frank, its all a hiring scam it seems, when the real objective is never to hire Americans, unless they are OVERLY qualified, or an immigrant who aligns with the current immigrant engineer culture of their company. Because most of their departments are immigrants, they are secretly refusing to hiring any Americans and only hire foreigners. They arent more qualified, its just a game of immigrants in current roles, having company's by the balls now, and FORCING them to hire h1bs, but USCIS has limits, and they will wait it out until their company can get a visa to increase the labor force. Non-immigrants means they have to actually be TALENTED and have Merit. Foreigners hired only becomes a bit of a 'you scratch my back, I scratch your back' hiring scam. Where even low quality IT and tech workers get into roles, because other foreigner workers are supported by these workers and they push them into management, which will make the 'cheap labor' argument invalid BECAUSE they will have to pay management REAL American wages. So we arent getting cheap labor, were getting foreign, non-merit based, low quality labor because current immigrants hold the hiring seat for companies now. Whole tech departments are currently being outsourced to India, Pakistan, Colombia, Poland, etc.