Comments by "Steven Martin" (@stevenmartin8828) on "'Never Seen Before': Ukraine shaken as Russia unleashes missiles cruise, hypersonic missiles" video.

  1. 👈🤡🐑Which none of that bullshit you posted is true. You certainly do like to make yourself look stupid. Do you think that we should have surrendered to Hitler?? The Ukrainians must never surrender. You are a Special kind of stupid if you believe otherwise. 1. Ukraine have at no point ever forced anyone to fight, which obviously you can't back it up with facts, especially disabled people. You say one man was forced to fight with no hands. 😂, which actually never happened. 2. The Russians actually are being forced conversation and fight at gunpoint without any choice. There is plenty of video evidence of ghat from captured Russian soldiers who have told what is happening, even a captured Russian soldier, who was actually disabled. 3. Russia soldiers are being sent to the front with little or no training and very little ammunition as cannon fodder. 4. Noone absolutely NOONE is forcing the Ukrainians to fight, the Ukrainians are doing that voluntary for their country, their freedom and their lives. Unlike the Russians who were lied to about where they were going and what they were expected to do at the start of this war. Being told they were going on exercise ect. There is plenty of video evidence of that from captured Russian soldiers. You obviously are a Special kind of stupid if you believe that bullshit you posted. You are obviously another pathetic 🤡🐑who THINKS and makes out they support the Cowardly war criminal Putins war which you actually DON'T. All you have done is make yourself look stupid ffs it's actually pathetic. Putin has started a war with a smaller professional army and a war he will never never win, at the cost of thousands of lives. But we won't let facts get in the way of your bullshit comment and stupidity.
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