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Jason Dashney
Fox News
Comments by "Jason Dashney" (@jasondashney) on "Fox News" channel.
We thought it couldn't get worse after his father.
When you are worth more money than you could possibly ever spend, it would make no sense not to use some of that for good. It's crazy to think that he could've bought Twitter and ran it with his own personal finances, and never recouped a penny, and still would've had more money than he possibly could've ever spent.
I wish so bad. The one thing America has on us is that the states aren't all almost exactly the same. A super progressive can move to Seattle, or if you love 'Murica you can move to Texas type deal, but Canada doesn't really have that. Alberta is as close to that as Canada gets but it's still very close to the rest of the provinces. It's too homogenous. At least in America you can go where you feel the most comfortable, while still being in the collective that is the USA. In Canada there's nowhere to go.
I wish the left would show ANY of these recent immigrants when they tell tales of how the BLM riots and stuff like this protest mean to them, as people who are truly grateful to be living here. The narrative should be "We've come a long way but we still have work to do". Instead it's a bunch of privileged people who talk about how bad it is here, but for some reason don't ever want to leave to greener pastures. Funny that. Ivy League BLM students shouting Communist slogans like "We have nothing to lose but our chains". The 1% of the 1% of the 1% go to Ivy League American schools. It's disgusting. These people need to travel. The fact you can openly scream at a western PM or POTUS, right to their face and zero happens to you is proof enough you are free.
That's amazing that you were able to stop yourself from going down to the bottom of that spiral. Keep up the fight! We're all rooting for you.
BIPOC birds
"literally"? You genuinely believe that Hillary Clinton is actually a real life Satan worshipper and a witch?
@ByJeffnology *whoosh *. How about the parts where he says that literally anyone who can get to America can get free health care and university?
That's insane this guy would come on speak about something he literally doesn't even know the name of. It's like those Tea Party candidates a few years back who couldn't answer basic questions about the constitution. At least know the goddamn subject you are claiming to be educated about.
When the refuse to understand history and the present and the future and empirical evidence. Is the world going to hell? No, but the fact the globe is warming is not even up for debate. It literally is getting warmer at a faster rate than at any time in history. There is enough evidence of temperatures going back thousand and thousands of years. The past isn't subject to interpretation. We know the numbers quite accurately. It's the future that's a bit more fuzzy.
Bill Gates has spent billions of dollars saving children's lives in Africa, and is working hard to improve sanitation all over the world so less people get sick and die. That would be a very counterintuitive strategy for someone who wants to depopulate. And Bill Gates has $100,000,000,000. I don't think he'd risk it all to make just a few more bucks.
5:30. What do you mean Apple, Amazon and Google were "funding the destruction"? This needs clarification because on the surface the claim seems like all kinds of tinfoil hat.
You will own nothing and be happy..
Nobody is addicted to drugs or alcohol because of happiness.
Fair enough. But he did. He has, on record condemned them. Start with the "very fine people" video. Watch ALL of the video and you'll see the MSM literally lied about it, which is nuts that CNN did it over and over since the truth is right there in the video on their own website.
Why would the USA put the lives of their troops in mortal danger on the other side of the world over a middle east pissing match that's been going on for thousands of years?
2:15. SARS literally IS a coronavirus. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2: (SARS-CoV-2). What is she on about?
To talk about Rogan means to give it up for Spotify as well. They were under tremendous pressure to censor him, and he claims that they never did. I know they got rid of some past episodes, but in every new episode, he was allowed to say things that would've had him absolutely cancelled everywhere else.
I don't think it's surreal at all. The right is far more willing to talk to the left than vice versa, and Tucker will talk to anybody.
1:45 . Beautiful. "What is it?" "Doesn't matter what it is. I don't know any actual details, but I'm sure it's good.". It's amazing how people literally asking for the basic facts of something are now the bad guys.
That judge doesn't understand that logic goes both ways. You could use that same argument for an LGBTQ hat if some homophobes wanted to beat them up. Also, it's admitting the left is violent. I'm absolutely politically homeless but I harp on the left more than the right because the left is incredibly hypocritical and that's a special button for me.
It's true. Armed middle eastern conflict never once happened before Joe Biden got elected. Before him it was all kittens and flowers and rainbows.
Opinion of how YOU feel. Point of view is how your Ideology feels. He's just a mouthpiece for CNN.
Yeah I'm scared that Trump will start a war with China, but on the other hand we can't just let China keep the slow creep going where they peddle their influence in far worse and more dangerous ways than America does. They need to be stopped.
The right also says that the current left is a threat to democracy, but at least they back it up with reasons besides "We don't like him!". They give tangible arguments.
Ask Brett Weinstein if he's surprised.
That's the same attitude they have. He should absolutely be allowed to teach, and so should people with totally differing opinions from both you and him.
I can't believe I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled, and you were the first person to mention Jim. He was hilarious in this clip, and there were a lot of laughs and nobody seems to get it. They're just angry. That's no way to live.
Good grief. I thought the title was ridiculous Clickbait. Nope, you actually said that God altered the trajectory of that bullet. Oh that's what you're going with? Seriously? You may as well talk about karma and crystals at this point. Go tell a five-year-old kid with leukaemia that he has it because God wanted it that way. I really like you, but that statement is completely insane. I'm willing to bet that a polygraph test you'd fail. There's no chance you truly believe that in your heart of hearts. Stop pandering. It's gross.
OMG that's hilarious. I can't believe I haven't heard anyone else bring that up yet.
Did I just hear someone doubt that penguins were birds?!
Anyone should be allowed to run. The public should be smart enough to ignore them.
To be fair, Trump was a Democrat, then ran as a Republican.
The Canadian government has policies were doctors have literally suggested it for people who are in severe debt and elderly. I'm not kidding. I've seen news reports about it. There's a big difference between having something available vs actually actively suggesting it to people who are in a bad spot. @RAINRDY
I live in Vancouver Canada and work right in the middle of the worst drug neighbourhood and all the time the workers talk about how what is going on is not compassion. At all. The policies are enabling this addiction, and the number of hard-core drug users has gone through the roof in the last 10 years and it's heartbreaking. These are people. These are real human beings who are being hurt by this ideology yet anybody who is not far left is thought of as the bad guy. Blows my mind.
If you are a hardcore Democrat blind worshiper and the leadership is constantly shitting on Tulsi, you aren't going to objectively think for yourself. The entire party and media have been against her. She never gets favourable coverage so of course average joe isn't going to like her.
In my big city $1 million leaves you literally $1 million away from being able to buy a regular single-family home.
Tons of "I hate everyone so I voted for Trump" people said they like Tulsi because she was the only one who sounded like an adult. She's a woman, vet, racial minority and belongs to a minority religion. How they didn't anoint her IMMEDIATELY based on her identities alone is astounding. She would've destroyed Trump at the polls.
I work with a guy whose son is an EMT in the PNW, and he said one day he had to give naloxone to somebody who was overdosing to save their life. This is pretty common place, but in this instance he had to do this three times to the same young man in the same day. Three times in one day. I didn't know the human body could handle that.
I live in Vancouver Canada and work in the middle of the worst drug district. Every day I see crack pipes and people laying in the street and you have no idea if they are alive or not. I can't remember the last day I didn't see faeces on the street. A girl across the alley works in a clinic whose clients are 75% homeless and the stories she has will absolutely blow your mind.
Children aren't the only ones who require some boundaries and structure. @Marvin-ut4xs
The very first thing she said was she votes based on genitalia. You are okay with sexist voting?
0:25 "throw away half the country". Math isn't your strong suit, lady. Clinton said half the Trump supporters, and Trump supporters were half the country. Half of a half is a quarter. She threw away a quarter of the country.
Why are people hated for who they are other than for what they did, or were perceived to have done? I don't see much of a difference. @RedIria
She's wrong. I would be terrified if Gavin Newsom became the nominee because he's actually a really slick talker and uninformed voters can absolutely fall for it. I would be surprised if Trump could beat Gavin Newsom.
And the coverings the zealots are supposed to wear at a far right symbol, yet in America it's the far left that puts it on a pedestal.
We're going down that road? Fine, then what about pedos and domestic abusers and drug dealers and psychopaths? @RedIria
To be fair, the iPhone goes far above what even science fiction communication devices looked like in the 70's.
This video was not at all about Trump in any way, shape or form. I think you're commenting on the wrong video.
@Cissy2cute Because that would be real, uh......what's the word again? Oh yeah, journalism. Don't hold your breath. It doesn't sell as well as fear.