Comments by "" (@johnwattdotca) on "Israel’s Former Space Security Chief Claims Aliens Exist, And Trump Knows | NBC News NOW" video.
I thought the greatest act of the devil was convincing us he didn't exist. Before you start freaking out
as a Christian, live is actually the word from alive, and evil is the opposite of being live. Using the letter
"d" in front of evil denotes a creature who is against those who are alive. If someone says aliens are willing
to wait until humans understand space, they are being misleading. The only reason aliens have to wait
is getting the world to build a global communications system they can subvert for their own use.
Where is it said that when our Lord arrives the entire world will hear him and understand his language?
Clan Watt knows this history, in our ancient language, Gaelic, we say vir na nog, when the ancients fell.
You should wonder when hydra became hydro and medea became media. If you read a far more ancient
book, the Bhagavad Gita from India, you will read about the giants Moses said once existed, only this book
talks about life after the ice age, with their gods, the Avatars, who flew in aircraft, using missiles and
bombs as a war between gods of India and Egypt, who also eradicated the giants who became cannibals,
eating ordinary humans. As electrical beings ourselves, anything electrical is addictive. Clan Watt knows this.
That's why we never manufactured.