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Fox News
Comments by "" (@michaelhill8441) on "Joe Concha: Chris Cuomo fired for 'complete lack of a moral compass'" video.
As soon as fox starts firing their "reporters" for the same reason.
@Jeremy_the_bot exactly. There is no moral compass here. If there was fox would have fired most of their reporters long ago.
Didn't trump grow up as a liberal elete in New york?
@danschneider7369 they got caught? Like Hannity going to Mar a lago to plan the news cycle?
@curtanschuetz3434 well, both Hannity and Carlson had meetings and phone calls with trump during his presidency to discuss what the news cycle should be. There is one example. Or two I guess
@scantsrants7865 Carlson and Hannity literally did the same things when trump was I'm power
@chevy3022 the funny part is you had time to write a half dozen comments throwing insults at me yet didn't have the time to write one post proving your point. Ya, don't respond to me anymore. You are not here for a conversation. You're here for an echo chamber and a hate fest towards democrats.
@thetruthchannel349 you're a fool. You make assumptions about me based on a different take on our politics. Then , because they differ from yours, you say I'm an English troll and now apparently with multiple accounts. You do that to dismiss the ideas I have or the facts I present. You don't bother refuting, because it would take effort on your part to read and learn about the subject matter. You're the worst America has to offer and you're also a great example of why the country hasn't voted a majority republican for Potus for almost thirty years. Keep calling me a troll and watch how the republican party slowly turns into a regional party over the next 30 years.
@chevy3022 if you don't watch both sides how do you stay informed?
@pigbelly100 yep, it's just brutal hypocrisy
@squamishfish there is absolutely zero accountability for fox anchors unless they sexually assault women.
@chasbodaniels1744 like Kavanaugh
@gabeakiyama2318 I think he is using trump as an example of how fox did the same things you guys are railing against today.
@chevy3022 can you provide an example (that isn't written with childish slander) of how Democrat policies are ruining the country?
@terrihilder8217 I have yet to see fox discipline anyone over doing the same thing with trump for four years. How many times did Hannity or Carson talk with trump to tailor the news cycle?
@terrihilder8217 yet they did the same thing. They tailored what they told their viewers based on conversations with trump. Either they are believable people with integrity or they're not. I am going with not.
@curtanschuetz3434 Hannity for one, his referring to the democrats as a hate filled mob ect all the time is literally trying to make his viewers hate other Americans. Tucker lawyers literally said in court that "no one that's reasonable would believe what he says" yet he is on the air every night doing the exact same thing. Ingraham is just a spiteful and hateful commentator like Rachel madows. Should I go on?
@chevy3022 yet you can't provide one example for me. You hate because you're told to. It's all you know
@thetruthchannel349 blah blah. All you have is childish slurs. You are the person least worth talking to on this thread.
@thetruthchannel349 gotcha? With what? You need help
@chevy3022 so are you going to answer my question?
@thetruthchannel349 sorry slick but you're wrong like usual. Grew up in Detroit and live in New york.
@curtanschuetz3434 every one of them perpetrated the idea, and some still are, that the election was stolen. How much more can I say about fox, if they're not brewing hate in their base they are outright lying.
@LordCommandor yep, and that's one of his good qualities lol. They get worse from there
@chevy3022 it's must be boring with constantly trying to ignore someone who is calling out your crap. Not one example to back up your garbage. It's the least educated like yourself destroying America. Gfy
@thetruthchannel349 I don't report comments slick. That would mean I would have to care what you say I dont
@chevy3022 pouty? Are you day drinking? I read daily, and not the news. I see growth every day unlike most. Perhaps you should try reading a book instead of being spoonfed propaganda all your life.
@Jeremy_the_bot exactly
@doombringer1505 example?
@chevy3022 my day is fine. No need for it to improve as it's going well. Enjoy your fox news echo chamber. You seem to like it that way.
@chevy3022 where did you go peanut?
@thetruthchannel349 thankfully you're just a troll and your opinion matters to no one.
How many times did Hannity and carlon have a phone call with trump to tailor the news cycle?
@UCe1Slh23ygrEcrB8leXsFkQ they're wrong 99% of the time. Prove ME wrong.
@thetruthchannel349 yes I did and yes I do.
@chevy3022 that's not an answer. I would like something specific if you can.
@curtanschuetz3434 so were those examples good enough for you or do you need more?
@scantsrants7865 ya, I know. No reasonable people would believe him. Pretty bad when they say that yet here we are, people believing him.
Federal Reserve Wolf 3 like Alex Jones?
@radicalttc proof read before posting.
@Jeremy_the_bot you won't get an answer. But I love how someone will call you dumb and ignorant while misspelling the simplest words in their own language. Priceless
@radicalttc you're *
@thetruthchannel349 let me guess, John is another account of mine?
@doombringer1505 sad but true it seem these days.
This is funny. They have a massive online following compared to fox. Fox News pipeline shows average 2.5 million viewers or so a day. CNN has 13 million subscribers on you tube alone who get their news delivered daily to their phones and computers. I find it especially funny you saying this on a platform that CNN almost doubles FOX subscribers
@curtanschuetz3434 not a bit of that is from any talking points. Hell I don't even watch msnbc.
@UCZqn5_TB6uAtmYijnqlbUMg you have issues
@chevy3022 just putting out the same effort you are.