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Comments by "" (@michaelhill8441) on "Levin: The Democratic Party is the enemy of the Declaration of Independence" video.
You're a troll from a communist country. Why would we listen to you
@johniephillips9267 funny, it's nowhere on their docet of cases to look at.
There is alot of truth to what you just said. Republicans, who you misconstrued as patriots are in fact a dying breed. I read 60% of the parties supporters are over 65 years old. If that doesn't say a dying ideology I don't know what does.
@cristianaquino4431 republican patriots are a dying breed almost extinct. At least we can agree on that.
Arm yourself and then what? You wouldn't make it far.
I am not about to take 2000 year old medical advice.
Sorry little lady but the Democrat party is America now. Trump pushed the independents left.
@relentlessliving5588 what about the recall?
Godsangel opening your eyes doesn't make evidence appear out of thin air.
He didn't listen to your prayers during the last election so why would he listen now? Just saying that maybe he doesn't have your side in this.
@johniephillips9267 no one likes stupid people,you hold us all back. That's why you lost.
Finn MacCool I wasn't given a choice. I was an independent and actually voted Regan on his first term. Then reganomics made me realize Republicans are beholden to the rich. Every republican potus since has proven me right. As for your pettiness, that stems from an inability to use your own language Ina constructive way in order to make your point. It's not your fault. It's probably genetic. My guess is too many pills while you were in utero along with incestuous genes.
@johniephillips9267 mostly because if there was a case on the books it would be all over the media. You guys come up.with new BS stories about 2020 all the time. That's why no one listens anymore. Ever heard of chicken little
Finn MacCool well why haven't you then. I would be in the streets if this was the other way around and there was no action on it. If you guys just roll over why would we let you lead again anyways.
Finn MacCool hahaha snowflake got my post removed.
Depends if that diversity of thought is demeaning, derogatory or meant to hold others back.
Finn MacCool cover it up? Take it to court ffs
@patrickpellerin5144 you seem to like hyperbole
@thefreerepublicofadmiralpr2935 I am talking about financial contribution. Tired of carrying you guys.
@user-vm1rr6gx9v mine is? We make up 75% of the GDP. When you start paying for sh!t then you can talk
@johntimmins5564 for you to call yourselves true Americans maybe you should start to contribute something to it. Blue counties make up 75% of our gdp.
Of course they were. Republican politicians have been telling you they're stupid for decades and you fell.for it.
It's about as despicable as a news station can get. What exactly is unbiased or fair and balanced about this?
Finn MacCool from what you wrote wouldn't the reasonable people be the ones that don't believe fox?
@bryanpurdythesaladtosser75 you're an overseas troll. You don't pay any Americans welfare.
@kevinlee7678 really? Then why did he illegally hold military aid from Ukraine?
@thefreerepublicofadmiralpr2935 why are you agreeing with a troll account.
@steveo2226 fun fact, blue counties contribute 75% to the GDP. Red counties 25%
@bryanpurdythesaladtosser75 I would say someone paid to be here would be. Pretty sure you have like 30 accounts too so I'm pretty sure you're the loser troll trying to hurt America. Now go get your daily ration of beet soup.
@thefreerepublicofadmiralpr2935 well then by all means. Refute one thing I've said. With actual facts not feelings.
Finn MacCool fun fact, blue counties contribute three times more to the economy than red ones do. Brutal seeing as there are triple the red ounties over Blue ones. There is republican policies right there.
@mattallen9448 you're right on every point. Many would take up arms. I said you wouldn't go far. That goes for everyone. Both sides would see tremendous losses and America would be thrown back to the stone age. Is that what you want?