Comments by "harvey young" (@harveyyoung3423) on "White British Will be a MINORITY in UK by 2050s. Joey Barton Chats with Rafe Heydel-Mankoo" video.
Introduction notes:
Immigration can be accounted in terms of gains and losses.
More specifically on who gains and who loses.
A) Some losses and gains are directly evidential:
i)numbers coming in to the UK, but this evidence is in contexts such as by difference to past immigration numbers, and
ii) difference to existing population numbers.
iii)Then there is the number of immigrants in term of age in comparison to existing population age, and
iv)The sex or gender of immigrants in relations to the existing population.
B) With the above we can also evidence:
i) that wages will fall, but also job vacancies will be easily filled
ii) wages falling will not necessarily mean a consequent consumer base collapse or a demand for goods collapse as the increase in migration means an increase in consumer base eg demand.
(note: Now Lenin described the European Colonial Empire projects as solving not a supply problem of sources for production, but as really solving collapse in consumer demand by expanding the consumer base over seas to off set the Marx prediction of falling labour wages means falling demand and so is self annihilating Capitalist contradiction. So we could view mass immigration as a similar Capitalist mechanism to solve a demand problem due to falling labour wages. Except instead of sending good over seas for those population to buy, we bring those populations hear. In this liberal free market Capitalism is the method in terms of the principle of free movement of people. But this "neo-colonialism" then is disguised as based in Universal Human Rights of freedom, but amount to a massive process and mechanism of the "extraction" of mostly young men from post colonial and other countries to Europe and the UK. This we are assured is not the theft of human resources from less well off countries to more affluent countries, but is ironically described as a post Colonial Debt by Europe to other countries for Colonial times. So for those who Critique Colonialism, this mass immigration, of already trained and second natured men from their home country to Europe and the UK is seen as an historical obligation a debt repayment a compensation. But this is odd acrobatics: the immigrants were not victims of any European Colonialism themselves, rather they benefited from their original countries cost of raising them and educating them into second nature, and then leave to to take their benefit a rich European Country. it an odd way of thinking about obligations to former Colonial Countries in term of using international law and free movement Capital individual differential incentives, to take their already raised young people away. Its like the continuation of Colonialism by other means, the first world and well off countries use International law and free movement to exploit the wealth and opportunity differences between them and the third world and less well off countries.)
C) Other losses and gains are evidential and logical in that the wages of the host labour force will fall while the increased demand keeps prices high. A loss to those original wage earners, while the mechanism keeps the whole resistant to Marx’s prediction. The big story here though is housing, in that mass migration has directly led to massive expansion in low end hosing demand and kept or increased the prices of those houses, and kept the value of owned but mortgaged houses high. I don’t think immigration effects the price of very high value house but it would prevent a slow creep up as in low end entry into a large aggregate industry. It has though now effected young people as first time low priced buyers, the wage fall has effected them negatively of course even if the demand has kept prices up and prevented Marx’s Catastrophic Collapse of Capitalism. Then there is the supposed necessary increase in supply of immigrant labour in health care, while also an increase in immigrant demand for health care.
There is a bigger story too to be told, that we have an aging population, with less young people to work and pay for it due to falling birth rates over many years. The migrant ship then are to supply this labour form other countries.
Then next there are less easily evidential effects of mass immigration and who gains and who looses: I guess people talk of cultural change and cultural damage of various kinds. but also there will be specific change to the law to accommodate new and unusual crimes, but there laws will refer to all the population and expand there target population reference. Law brought in to deal with extreme but marginal criminality will be used to control mass population out side the original aim and purpose of the law. That is the logic of the law the spread of the logical space of Rights and protections. what is done to migrants law will do to everybody. We have to realise that some who want severe and quick policies to deal with immigrants and immigration, will move on to others via the policy vocabulary. eg Stop migrants getting Welfare because they haven't contributed will becomes general principal applied to all young people. This is just an example of a general process. There are those on the Right who would treat the poor who live here and were born here in a similar way.
Clearly there are winners and losers here, even if the moral argument of Colonial debt collapses on first look.