Comments by "" (@titteryenot4524) on "Macron and Le Pen clash in French presidential election debate - BBC News" video.
I’ve always found it interesting when Europeans who consider themselves ‘indigenous’ to this continent and more entitled thereby compared to other less-entitled, ‘non-indigenous’ folk, suddenly go silent when America is mentioned, or Australia, or New Zealand, or Mexico, or Peru, or Brazil; for by their logic no European who arrived post 1519 in Mexico, post 1524 in Peru, post 1500 in Brazil, post 1620 in America, and no European who arrived after 1606 in Australia and in New Zealand after 1642 has more entitlement than the ‘indigenous’ Aborigines. Not to mention all the African and Indian nonsense that went on as Europeans arrived and aggressively imposed their ways. No, somehow it’s ok that European settlers moved to these places and brutally subjugated (and in millions of cases, enslaved) those already settled there, but when non-Europeans arrive in Europe, to work, to seek a better life in most cases, somehow that’s just not on. Hypocrisy and double-standards doesn’t begin to cover it, and Le Pen and her ilk have not a leg to stand on when a few non-Europeans pitch up in their backyard to play.
@Dagoth Ur As far as I can see, no one is spreading ‘hate, terror and wanting to overwrite culture’ more than a minority hardline Muslim cohort. Every other culture I can think of makes the effort. I agree, certain strands of Islam have a bit of an issue doing this, it seems, and I also agree, that it’s a little bit beyond me why some within Islam come to live here and don’t make a bit more of an effort, if only out of courtesy to those with whom you have come to live. All that said, every Muslim I’m personally aware of, about 12-15, make that effort and they are as ‘integrated’ as every other culture I can think of who have settled on these shores.
@Adam-mo6gf I have absolutely no issue with 99% of the other cultures that come to live here. I agree, there is a small cohort of Islam that seems to not quite make the same effort as most every Indian, Chinese, African I know of, seems to. However, I would suggest if you’re going to go down the path of banning people of certain faiths coming here, that would be just unworkable in practice. Better to have a well-functioning immigration system allowing a quota in, based on what they can bring to this country, if we’re talking economics. As to refugees; they should all be treated equally, regardless of their culture, and if genuine refugees, are, and should be granted asylum.
@Adam-mo6gf Look mate, much like you I find all organised religion anathema, but precisely because we live in an open, free democracy (relatively), we permit freedom of worship. My take on all this stuff is quite simple: if you are breaking no laws, speaking the native language, and paying your taxes, you can pretty much do what you want between consenting adults. Religion and politics should be kept separate, at the state level, notwithstanding that the UK doesn’t observe this, but thankfully the Church is so defanged in today’s Britain it’s powerless. Like you, of all the organised religions, it’s Islam I trust the least, based on what you refer to about democracy, for example, (but also women’s rights, an obvious homophobia and the startlingly violent passages in the Koran openly exhorting Jihad for every Muslim) and based on past behaviour. However, I repeat what I said earlier: the vast majority, actually all the Muslims I have known in my life have been integrated with the wider community and were leading peaceful, productive lives. Again, to focus on the ones that aren’t, is like focussing on that black sheep once again, to the exclusion of the rest.