Comments by "" (@titteryenot4524) on "US support for Israel is ‘rock solid’, President Joe Biden says – BBC News" video.
Frankly, Israel should be surprised by none of this. I don’t particularly support any side here, but what can be observed is a 75-year-long ongoing fight whereby one side has been throwing its weight around considerably more than the other side (if the year on year casualty figures are anything to go by), yet when the other side finds the capability to strike back, the opponent is somehow surprised, as if that were just not cricket, old boy! Last time I checked, in a boxing match both sides were allowed to throw punches. In these kinds of seemingly intractable situations, I always flip it: how would the Israelis feel if the boot were on the other foot and it was they who were living in the conditions the average Palestinian is (and has been for decades) living in? They’d be fighting back. Fighting for dignity and freedom. A 2-state solution is the only way here. Of course, with this, the nitty-gritty will be who gets custody of the car and who gets custody of the cat.