Comments by "" (@titteryenot4524) on "Texas Shooting: Will tighter gun control follow?" video.
Why do so many other developed nations not have America’s baleful gun culture? Germany, the UK, Japan, for example, don’t seem to have this terrible issue with gun crime, and yet there is relative peace in terms of general society, and certainly mass killings are rare. America needs to seriously look at its Second Amendment. There are only three countries that have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms: Mexico, Guatemala, and the United States. Although Mexico and Guatemala both have a constitutional right to bear arms, the US is in a league of its own simply because it is the only country without restrictions on gun ownership in its constitution. After the Second Amendment was adopted in 1791, it inspired other countries around the world to provide their citizens with the right to own guns. However, only 15 constitutions (in nine countries) ever included an explicit right to bear arms. They are Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Liberia, Guatemala, Mexico, and the US. All of those countries, excluding Mexico, the US, and Guatemala, have since rescinded the constitutional right to bear arms. So, America is the outlier here in terms of citizens’ rights to bear arms. Does it want to continue this, and put up with its horrible mass killings? Or does it want to consider repealing the Second Amendment, thereby allowing the average American citizen to breathe that much easier in the ‘land of the free’?
@utopiandreamer04 How does your ‘pacifist state’ argument explain the UK, France, Spain, Italy, all of Scandinavia, Australia, Canada, Indonesia, China, Belgium, Vietnam, Israel, Morocco, Bulgaria, Austria, Greece, Ireland etc etc etc., all of which have homicide rates consistently about 4x less than that of the US, whilst simultaneously not being ‘pacifist’ states?