Comments by "" (@titteryenot4524) on "Why are Hindus and Muslims fighting on the streets of Leicester?" video.
@Ashleii I agree they are not debating the finer points of scripture. But they are arguing the toss coming from 2 specific religious traditions, which appear totally incompatible, and this is carried forward and manifested in each ‘side’ seeing each other as the ‘enemy’, something which wouldn’t happen if they didn’t self-identify as ‘Hindu’ and ‘Muslim’. Proof? I’ve read several comments in various threads from ex-Muslims commenting on how ashamed and embarrassed they are for their former faith, and what these idiots are doing in its name. In other words, if this isn’t a fundamentally Hindu/Muslim clash (it is, of course), then I’m not sure what it is. Yes, frustrated young men. But we’re not getting gangs of frustrated agnostics, or Jews, or Buddhists, or practising Christians causing ‘gang’ trouble, as you call it, under these rubrics. No, it’s ‘Hindus’ and ‘Muslims’ specifically we are dealing with here, men who self-identify as Hindu and Muslim and this nonsense is, in a very real way, underpinned by organised religion.
@UCIM11fNcUvvGLnxcBy3Dy8w Didn’t realise you were Muslim. Cool. Lol@atheist gangs😂Pretty sure these gangs who are atheist are not fighting in the name of atheism! A little ridiculous to suggest this methinks. Look, I, an agnostic, have no issue with the concept and practice of freedom of worship, and am pro-controlled immigration, but I do think Britain has a serious issue with ghettoisation, as certain communities don’t mix with other communities, and this non-mixing is done on an ideological/cultural/religious basis. I don’t not mix with anyone based on colour, creed, sexuality, gender or anything really. I will judge you, as Luther King said, on the content of your character; my issue is these self-identified cultures we have imported who are not able to do the same it seems. No, they see a label and act accordingly. They don’t see the person. And so, we see this playing out in Leicester. I fear this will only get worse if we don’t address it. Interesting you’re a Muslim. Didn’t realise. In my experience of non-indigenous cultures Britain has imported, the vast, vast majority seem integrated and getting on with their lives. Like you. Like millions of others. However, I need to say that I have detected over the years a minority of your religion unable and/or unwilling to make the requisite effort to integrate as fully as 99% of others (as you say) do.