Comments by "James Neave" (@JamesNeave1978) on "The M1 Abrams Tank Needs to Chill Out" video.
@drosendahl I don't mean no armour, just stop trying to stop AT munitions with armour because it's a losing game.
I just see a small, light, fast, stealthy and battlenet integrated direct fire support unit.
With built in single use surveillance drones.
Like how they say F35 is the quarter back?
But a land one.
Give it a 120mm, maybe some VLS silos.
Around that is the squads with their IFVs and they get and disseminate intelligence.
The central unit is packed with computers and runs the local battlenet WiFi, collects, merges and broadcasts the intelligence to the unit(s)
Maybe have separate direct and indirect versions.
The indirect can have computer controlled VLS for, say, mortars, grenades, suicide drones, passive drones, data relay drones.
The mortar rounds can be GPS/INS/Laser targeted, called in by a squad leader.
The suicide drones can launch and loiter, AI examines the battlenet for targets, presents the unit commander with targets who gets to give the kill order.
I wonder if you could have quadcopters autonomously restock your squad.
"I need ammo/AT4/etc"