Comments by "Lacey Face" (@Lacey_Face) on "Donalds Lays Out Case That Pelosi Is To Blame For Failure To Get Troops On Capitol Grounds On Jan. 6" video.

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  4. Constitutionally & Legally he is correct. Article 1 Section 8 Cl 15 & Article 4 Section 4. 18 USC 2381, 2382, 2383, 2384 2385. It is the DUTY of Congress to "call forth the Militia To Repel Invasion and Domestic Violence", unless Congress cannot be assembled, then it falls to the President. President Trump Authorized 10,000-20,000 NG and Pelosi & Bowser Refused them. The Gateway Pundent had EXCELLENT footage from the middle of it, and guess whos Faces showed up? Yep BLMers and ANTIFA & Ray Epps stirring ppl up. Thats why ppl wore Vests to keep Antifa/BLM from stabbing them. Footage of the moment Ashli Babbitt was murdered for trying to STOP Antifa from getting thru the doors. Her feet were on the door and she was pushing back against the crowd. There was an Antifa guy with their little fascist flag symbol on his hat. It shows that the feds started it all by targetting & shooting ppl in the face & head ILLEGALLY from the crows nest. There is a label on the rubber bullets saying DO NOT USE ON HEADS AND FACES IT CAN CAUSE DEATH. Just like with Tazers in the chest, head, spine and groin. I watched almost 2.5 hours of video some in slow motion from inside the crowd. Real Americans were there for Police when Antifa & BLM attacked them for months to help the police and this is what they got for helping them when they needed it? The police & Feds should be ashamed of themselves. Nancy Pelosi & Bowser should be in prison. So should EVERY Congress person that went along with her insurrection sham. Nancy gave the orders in the house and her Capitol forces to attack Americans on film. She even brought her own film crew! Her fake J6 commission should be in prison too for lying to the people. Every officer who shot someone in the face or beat ppl to death should be in prison too. This Gov't is out of control and they need to be stopped before they totally destroy America. This IS Tyranny. "When the ppl fear the Government there is Tyranny. When the Government fears the people, THERE IS FREEDOM." ~3rd President Thomas Jefferson (a Libertarian)