Comments by "cne08" (@cne08) on "NRA's 'Enemy List '" video.
Don't take @GunOwnerDan seriously. First, his username is GunOwnerDan, second, the only TYT videos he posts on have to do with guns, third, when he does post on these videos, he does so for hours on end, and all he posts is insults, lies, fear mongering, and the suppoort of more guns, which proves that he's crazy, stupid, and has no life.
Don't take @genie0390 seriously my fellow Canadian. He's a TYT troll, and Fox "News" viewer, who, like all TYT trolls, and Fox viewers, can't debate like an adult, or prove what he says with facts, so he uses lies, discrimination, fear mongering, and insults to get his point across.