Comments by "naas699" (@naas699) on "Russia winning war in Ukraine is the ‘worst thing that could happen’" video.

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  3.  @michaelgothenburg364  Crimea has been Russian since Catherine the Great (late 1700's) - take a history lesson. Russia also put a stop to the Poroshenko & Zelensky Govt genocide of Russian speakers in the Donbas where they murdered 14,000 people from 2014-2022 including 500 children (see the Alley of Angels memorial). But you're probably too ignorant to acknowledge that. Zelensky ran on a platform of peace to end the shelling in the Donbas but instead of stopping it - he increased it. so you tell me who is responsible for this? And - the Donbas declared themselves independant and under self rule making them no longer part of Ukaine (just because the USA doesn't acknowledge it doesn't mean it isn't fact), Crimea and Donbas ALL VOTED TO BECOME PART OF RUSSIA after the CIA spent $6 BILLION on their coup in 2014 to overthrow the democratically elected President & install a Govt hostile to Russia. IF Zelensky abided by the Minsk 2 agreement the war never would have happened. If Zelensky signed the peace agreement in April 2022 this would have ended then with those territories remaining in UA but under self rule, but that fat pr!k Boris Johnson flew to UA and told Zelensky not to sign - that should tell you who wants this war - warmongers in the USA / NATO. Oleksiy Arestovych former Zelensky aid said in 2019 the price for admission into NATO is to go to war with Russia. RU have repeatedly said they are open for peace talks even back in early 2022 but it is the USA who blocks them. The same USA who says UA must seek peace themselves and then torpedoes RU & China peace talk offers.
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