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Fox News
Comments by "naas699" (@naas699) on "Fox News" channel.
the USA think Russia is weak because they do not follow Americas battle plan - carpet bomb the place from 30,000 feet and then send in troops (and still lose to ill equiped and poorly trained troops with AK47's wearing sandals)
listen to Col Douglas MacGreggor or Scott Ritter to get a good idea. they (UA) are fukd but the western media keeps reporting how they are winning the war so the west will continue to funnel billions. Of course congress want it to go on as long as it can so the weapons manufacturers funnel millions to them, and Lloyd Austin rubs his hands together with every $1 mill Patriot missile launched - the advantage of being on the board of Raytheon
what makes America great? calling yourselves World Champions in competitions where only US teams compete - NFL / NBA / MLB.
the best part about smoking pot? "When you're high, you can do everything you normally do just as well — you just realize that it's not worth the fckng effort." (Bill Hicks)
all of congress need to be impeached, jailed, fined and have all money donated by weapons manufacturers for Americas forever wars confiscated & given to Vets who fought in all of Americas illegal wars
tragic - but it takes everyones minds off the billions being funneled to corrupt Ukraine and away from Hunter's dodgy dealings
Biden still demands that Russia leaves the Ukraine. And what will happen to those ethnic Russians in the Donbas? A bullet to the back of the head awaits them from the Ukrainian Secret Police if there was any actual (or imagined) collusion with the Russian troops. We can then add those to the 13,000 plus (some say as high as 20,000) that have been murdered since 2014 by the Ukrainian Army.
"threats to national security" - what, was the Biden Govt seeing what country they can invade next to keep their war gravy train going all the while using the "threat to national security" as the reason for their many illegal wars?
don't know why, the army green suits him and he has no problem wearing the military uniform - for photo opportunities
does that sheila Jessica listen to anything that comes out of her mouth? surely she cannot be that ignorant or stupid
if we are lucky Russia will drop the mother of all bombs on US congress while they are in session - do the world a favour
freedom in Ukraine? ask the opposition political leaders that have been imprisoned, the 13,000 ethnic Russians murdered by the Ukrainian Govt since 2014
Democrats and Republicans will arue over everything, unless it is going to invade a country of little brown people on the other side of the world. That they will unanimously vote in favour of because they know of the millions in kickbacks that is coming their wat
the US has 1 goal - to weaken Russia and they don't care how many Ukrainians are killed in the process
it's all Russian disinformation, may as well be as the US Government blame them for all of their other lies
Zelensky is the one who lies & it is the US and the west who does not abide by agreements. Any document signed by the US isn't worth the paper it is printed on - it started with the native Americans in the 1600's and continues to this day. There's a reason they have a saying - white man speaks with forked tongue
Kamala Harris's birth certificate has appeared on the American social network X. The document was found in the archives of the Jamaican hospital, which is located in the same region where her father lived. The certificate casts doubt on the legitimacy of her presidential candidacy: according to U.S. law, only a natural-born citizen can become president. To be considered a natural-born citizen, an American must either be born on U.S. soil or have parents with U.S. citizenship. Kamala's father is from Jamaica and her mother is from India. Both were students in the year of Kamala's birth, raising doubts about their U.S. citizenship at the time.
Hillary Clinton will be p!ssed that they missed
why doesn't the USA do what it did last time they wanted regime change - they made their president go for a drive down Dealey Plaza in anopen top limo.
Kamala Harris's birth certificate has appeared on the American social network X. The document was found in the archives of the Jamaican hospital, which is located in the same region where her father lived. The certificate casts doubt on the legitimacy of her presidential candidacy: according to U.S. law, only a natural-born citizen can become president. To be considered a natural-born citizen, an American must either be born on U.S. soil or have parents with U.S. citizenship. Kamala's father is from Jamaica and her mother is from India. Both were students in the year of Kamala's birth, raising doubts about their U.S. citizenship at the time.
Kamala Harris's birth certificate has appeared on the American social network X. The document was found in the archives of the Jamaican hospital, which is located in the same region where her father lived. The certificate casts doubt on the legitimacy of her presidential candidacy: according to U.S. law, only a natural-born citizen can become president. To be considered a natural-born citizen, an American must either be born on U.S. soil or have parents with U.S. citizenship. Kamala's father is from Jamaica and her mother is from India. Both were students in the year of Kamala's birth, raising doubts about their U.S. citizenship at the time.
hahahaha USA going down the toilet.
so why then did the US lose Iraq (and Afghanistan)? and while we're at it - Grenada, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba - I could go on, maybe I should just say the last war the US won was against the Dominican Republic - a true global super power
no - the USA is the worlds LAUGHING STOCK
we all know how correct the CIA with their knowledge and reports - NOT
pity the politicians will ignore this person
so why is the USA flying unmanned drones in International airspace - that is a hazard to all international air travel for civilians
USA are p!ssed the Middle East are becoming allies, look for the CIA to fund and weaponise terrorists in the area as they try to destabilise the region - again
stop complaining "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
helps the damp sponge conduct electricity, he should have shaven his left ankle too
Cramer - proof that these so called "experts" are paid by the word and not paid by their own investment knowledge. If someone like him knew what we was talking about he'd be relaxing on an island drinking pina colada's because he's made a fortune from his investment knowledge
stop complaining USA - "Greed, for want of a better word, is good!"
Lindsay Graham will be creaming in his pants thinking the US can go have another war
the shocks only worked twice - bottomed out when the bull got in the car, back to normal when it got out
the only companies still in the US are the weapons manufacturers, why else does US congress continue to start and fund wars, to keep the companies who got them into power happy and to get the kickbacks from these weapons manufacturers.
if Obama wants his 4th term as President he'll have to back Biden
hope the individuals responsible for the Mulvaney promotional campaign list it on every job application they go for.
i thought LaLa Land was in California
Bidens approval 41% - how can it be that high? did they only poll the Biden family?
so the USA has no problem urdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people around the world with their forever wars. the USA has dropped on average 40 bombs a day, every day for 20 years - how about the US Government "clean up their act" and are held accountable? that scum Lindsay Graham can be 2nd in line behind Dubbya to be tried for these crimes
you START wars all over the world - then run away with your tail between your legs
"China wants the UA war to go on as long as possible to deplete western military capacity" - hahaha what a load of bullsh!t. the USA want this war to go on for as long as possible so US weapons manufacturers can make $$ billions and they give $ millions to congress that they got into power.
Biden hoping yet another Zelensky begging tour wil convince congress to release funds
the USA illegally blocks Soviet ships in international waters (which is an act of war) & depth charges Soviet submarines to drive them to the surface to stop Cuba (a nation the USA had tried to invade) getting missiles because they don't want nukes near their borders, yet has no problem with installing nukes in 7 countries in Europe & you can bet if UA joined NATO those nukes would cross the border into the UA before the ink is dry & the nukes would be on Russias border aimed at Moscow just minutes away. can anyone say "hypocrites"?
puss!es. needs to be like Japanese, Turkish, Korean, Taiwan, Ukraine etc politics - where they actually have a rumble
a directionally driven baloon - ha what a joke. As for UA - if the US didn't incite the coup in 2014, told the UA to enforce the Minsk 2 agreements and allowed Zelensky to sign the peace agreement in April 2022 - then the UA conflict would be no more. You can thank the warmongering USA / NATO / UK for its continuence
makes sense, Biden & Pelosi are old enough to have seen the ancient Roman times 1st hand
everyone involved, including "the Big Guy" needs to be in the slammer biting a pillow
war criminal Condoleeza Rice trying to remain relevant. Considering much of the US get's its so called knowledge about RU from a high school text book, they have no idea as to what is happening there as RU doesn't report many things to the press, so they just make sh!t up
Trump was looking awfully pale - has he been denied access to his tanning bed or orange spray tan?