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Fox News
Comments by "naas699" (@naas699) on "Fox News" channel.
listen to Col Douglas MacGreggor or Scott Ritter to get a good idea. they (UA) are fukd but the western media keeps reporting how they are winning the war so the west will continue to funnel billions. Of course congress want it to go on as long as it can so the weapons manufacturers funnel millions to them, and Lloyd Austin rubs his hands together with every $1 mill Patriot missile launched - the advantage of being on the board of Raytheon
the USA think Russia is weak because they do not follow Americas battle plan - carpet bomb the place from 30,000 feet and then send in troops (and still lose to ill equiped and poorly trained troops with AK47's wearing sandals)
if they were dealing with Hillary Clinton the informant would already be bumped off, oh sorry - commited suicide
and by saying "he" they have narrowed it down even more by it being a straight / heterosexual male & not a they / them / it
"WE defeat Russia" - even news guests say the facts. it was never about Ukraine but the USA going to war with Russia but the US is too gutless and p!ssweak to do it directly. they cannot defeat nations of ill equiped and poorly trained fighters with AK47's (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan)
Assange has been punished? He is being held for publishing the United States of Americas WAR CRIMES
why are Americans complaining? US weapons manufacturers are making billions and congress make millions - all so you can shout U-S-A U-S-A U-S-A when you win (sorry - lose) another war
Biden - Harris are the best options available to run the country. and yet the USA then has the gall to criticize OTHER countries and their leaders - what a woke joke that country is
this is nothing compared to the evil they inflict around the world
D-Day - how the USA / West delayed the invasion knowing the Soviets were fighting the crack Nzi troops in Leningrad, Stalingrad, Moscow, Kursk and then to repel the Soviet offensive Operation Bagration, where the Soviets had been at war for 3 years before the west decided to open a second front. the Soviets were the first into berlin ending the war in Europe but America and the west think they are responsible for winning the war. Any WW2 veteran in France who met Zelensky should have spat in his face saying how they fought and died to expel the world from his Nzi ideology
so Hunter has expensive lawyers while also being homeless, destitute and unable to pay child support?
what's the problem - youse Yanks voted AOC into power, you knew what you were getting before the election & you can't blame Russia for that
China's threat? exactly how many countries have they invaded over the past 20 or 30 years? now compare that to the USA and then tell us who the threat is
as if "You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it?" weren't bad enough, now they must add "and built by a trans who thinks the earth is flat and we will be forced to plant a Pride Flag on the moon"
what a joke, sounds like this so called intelligence officer is trying to plug her book & the TV hosts believe the CNN bullsht reports.
" There are a lot of people that need to be introduced to the prison system for many crimes. " - we can start with the President and work our way down
Tuckers a L E G E N D
USA neglected to arm? what a cretin. The USA / NATO has spent the past 8 years weaponising, arming and funding the Ukrainian army such that they were the 2nd largest army in Europe. Typical ignorent comment by an abnoxious fearmongering American presenter
Mexico does NOT have a drug problem, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HAS A DRUG PROBLEM. clean up your own country first before you blame others. the Cartels made $13 billion? now compare that to US weapons manufacturers to the $$ billions they make as part of Americas forever wars, overthrowing of Governments etc
don't they get it by cutting their thumb on a tin of bulley beef?
yeah but now he's in charge. Before that his 30 years in politics he did jack sht and no one paid any attention to him anyway
you should be ashamed of EVERY President since George Washington
stop bi!ching “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
rock on Tucker
& the USA has the GALL to lecture other countries. if this is democracy, no wonder other nations chose not to follow that form of Government
and so do those toe rags Victoria Nuland and Hillary Clinton
did she offer the send BIG YELLOW BUSSES for Africa?
warmongering & fearmongering US at its best.
you should be appaled at YOUR Governments FOREVER WARS policy where they fund terrorism around the globe, start wars and illegally invade other countries just so Congress can become millionaires
another warmongering American - easy to talk tough when you have the Atlantic & Pacific oceansto protect you. this woman is almost as offensive & obnoxious as Lindsay Graham
your military are not there to "defend your freedom" - they are cannon fodder for the weapons manufacturers and congress who get the financial kickbacks from these companies. Thats why the US has a FOREVER WAR - got to keep the money flowing in congress, they don't give a rats about the serviceman / woman or the countries they illegally invade
"I was arrested for a crime that didn't occur" - sounds like every crim in the joint in the USA
when you do negative stuff you get negative press - simple
Hahahaha - and America has the gall to lecture other countries on how they should be run!
but all of the Hispanics can still drive their lowriders yeah?
stop complaining "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
"I'm here safe and whole" - that's because the US always goes to war against small nations who cannot defent themselves. Carpet bomb a country from 30,000 feet with little / no air force or anti aircraft weapons. Now try doing that against Russia or China & see how tough you are
Putin would have done a judo breakfall and rolled back up to his feet like nothing happened
yep, they need Mitch McConnell or Dianne Feinstein to step up and run for President
Russia - free healthcare, free university, minimal drugs, no mass murders at schools, no Antifa, no BLM, no looting & riots. and now lets look at the USA! which country would you rather live in?
hupe this exec - Hillary Clinton doesn't know where they are
idiots like Jim Cramer is proof that these so called TV "experts" know nothing and are paid by the word. If he knew what he was talking about he'd be sitting on an island trading on his laptop
well she probably got in late for the kickbacks for Americas forever wars so she wants it to continue so she can make her millions. How else does Liz Cheneys net worth go from $7 million in 2017 to $44 million in 2021
blaming Republicans? - well they can't blame the Russians anymore
Finland will now be forced to spend XX% of their GDP on their military - wonder if the taxpayer has been made aware of that?
NYP shoting the UA flag - what a joke
everyone will be held accountable - except for every warmongering member of congress who profits from war, hence their continual supply of billions to Ukraine instead of demanding peace talks
didn't Brandon say that the buck stops with him and he will not blame others when he 1st got in to the WH? Now all he does is blame others, esp Trump even for something that happened yesterday
no wonder the USA cannot win a war with people like Jack Keane in command. he clearly knows nothing of what is going on in the Donbas, maybe he watches too much CNN.
USA has no problems weaponising, funding and supporting ISIS when it suits their interests overseas. what is the saying about karma?