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Comments by "naas699" (@naas699) on "Forbes Breaking News" channel.
Anthony Bourdain (RIP) said it best - “Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to deth with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scmbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”
Mayorkas - never have i seen someone who can talk so much without saying anything
wonder if Blinken will demand that Israel follows the UN Security Council resolutions & International Law?
Putin & Lavrov will laugh at him when he walks in all confident for discussions - that must be on his terms
never have i seen a man who talks so much without saying anything
Brandon thought they were his birthday balloons
@Nick_Delta who started what? try reading the numerous articles on the UN web site where they repeatedly state how Israel is on stolen land (including the Golan Heights of Syria), of their apartheid regime treatment and of their violation of international law and UN resolutions.
so the Blacks can now have Chinese or Russian slaves?
WTF are "your" troops doing there? same as Syria - stealing Syrian oil while illegally occupying territory there?
and yet you seem to have no problem how Israel has killed approx 1 Palestinian each day this year, of their apartheid regime against Palestinians, murder and non stop land grab, Israels violation of International Law & UN resolutions. been going on by Israel since 1947. Pretty sure if where you were living and been treated like that for over 70 years you'd do something drastic too. Remember- Mandella was convicted and jailed for plotting terrorist activities against his oppressors
do you honestly think he would have said anything worthy of listening to?
Lindsay Graham thinks sanctions etc will harm Russia, according to CBS News the Ruble is the strongest currency in the world, it is at its strongest since May 2015, and the Euro is at a 20 year low. Russia made 97 billion through July. Yep, this cretin sure knows his stuff
@oitpyc2965 against Blinken - a US warmonger who like the rest of US congress is after Americas forever wars? or that he only got the job because he covered for Biden about his sons corrupt dealings? you do not elect people to be in roles such as foreign ministers where they deal with people of different cultures, different religions etc who are incapable. that is why the US is failing with so many countries around the world where they refuse to meet US members, there is no trust as the US lies and lies again where everything is only in Americas interest
and to stop the genocide of Russian speakers in the Donbas - some 14,000 murdered by the Poroshenko & Zelensky regime - that is why RU crossed into the Donbas - to put a stop to the shelling
Jaques Baud -Swiss former Staff Colonel of the Swiss strategic Intelligence & UN Peacekeeper reported "The whole conflict is the result of a scenario carefully worked out by the West. Its basic components were laid out in 2019 in two papers published by the RAND Corporation, the Pentagon think tank, entitled, Overextending and Unbalancing Russia and Extending Russia. These describe the sequence of events that led to the Russian offensive in February 2022. In addition to that, promises were made to Ukraine that it would become a member of NATO if it instigated a war that led to Russia’s defeat, as Oleksiy Arestovych explained in an interview with a Ukrainian television station in March 2019. In fact, Ukrainians were lied to, as Zelensky noted on CNN on March 21, 2022. As a matter of fact, the Russians knew for a long time that this confrontation would occur. That is why they prepared for it militarily and economically.
Blinken stated how beneficial the war is for US business and employees creating jobs so need to keep it going. 90% of what they spent was on US companies so it is a win win to keep the war going. US defence companies posted record profits Assange pointed that out about Americas forever wars - that is why the USA wants him to rot in a UK jail
she is delusional if she thinks quoting the constitution will do anything. for something the US holds so dear, they abuse it regularly, so much that it means nothing and like ALL documents the US signs with other countries - it isn't worth the paper it is printed on. So she finds Nazism abhorent here in her country but no doubt fully supports the Azov Batallion & Nazism in Ukraine
stop complaining "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Blinken isn't a diplomats backside
"I have no recollection of that fact your honor" "it was the other three, not me" "I'm not crying I have just got something in my eye" and "she told me she was 18" - standard get out clauses by US officials
what is criminal is how the press do not report the facts. so much for ethics and nobility in journalism
the USA knew that years agoi that UA was the most corrupt country in Europe because they reported it in 2019, and then decided to ship billions there
and yet the USA DEMANDED that the Soviet Union REMOVED a wall, and now here we have the USA wanting to install a wall. much like how the USA were the most vocal in calling out the USSR as drug cheats at Olympic Games - and see how steroids and drug cheating is rampant in the USA - how to you say HYPOCRITES?
this is what happens when you appoint people that are incapable of doing their job. Blinken was awarded the role for his Hunter Biden cover up
why are they not jailed for telling lies when they swear to tell the truth? even when the lies are exposed at a later date
"I don't take Beijings propaganda at face value" -"The U.S. federal government is one of the main disseminators of disinformation, Sen. Rand Paul." US congress lie under oath with impunity - so much for the legal system there. the USA is the most corrupt country in the world
peace don't maske US congress $$ millions
stop complaining "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
when was the last time the US won a war? Grenada 1983? the US protected by its 2 greatest allies the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. how are Americas wonder weapons working out in Ukraine? the US cannot defeat ill equiped and poorly trained farmers with AK47's wearing sandals - take your pick between Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan after they have carpet bombed a place from 30,000 feet before sending in the tanks and the troops
how sh!thouse a swimmer must Lia Thomas be when (s)he competes against women and cannot even win!
kelley robinson - puts Senator Mayorkas to shame on how to answer a question without answering it and by taking lots of bull
the USA IS responsible for the war in Ukraine. why is that so hard for her to understand?
Julian Assange pointed that out, that's why the USA wants him to rot in a UK jail - FREE ASSANGE
hey Nikki - why did the USA spend $6 billion on their violent and illegal coup to overthrow the democratically elected President Yanukovych in 2014? Why didntt the USA demand Zelensky abides by the Minsk 2 ceasefire agreement and stop killing civilians in the Donbas? why did the USA send Boris Johnson to UA in April 2022 to tell Zelensky not to sign the peace agreement? Why did NATO IGNORE RU's peace proposal in Nov 2021? Why don't you demand that Zelensky runs his country as a democracy - instead of banning the 1000 year old UA church, sending troops into Churches to arrest Priests and Nuns, banning opposition political parties, arresting opposition leaders, banning upcoming elections, running a "kill list" against people who speak out against his war (including 15 year old children), threatening and / or arresting journalists who report the truth, banning people to speak their own language / culture / movies / books etc. That's Democracy is it?
so Marsha - how much money will you make from kickbacks from the weapons manufacturers who got you in power, who you will give military contracts to. Americas FOREVER WAR - remember
maybe Marsha should be reminded of her countries history, how in the USA's entire existence it has NOT been at war for 16 years, the 26 countries illegally invaded by the USA since the end of WW2, the military coups they fund along with terrorist organisations, the Governments overthrown by the US and the 20,000,000 murdered by it's illegal wars. Wars for greed and oil. the US are the biggest threat to global peace - why the fk does the world ignore this? Every living US President would be tried and hanged for war crimes if the Nuremberg Laws were applied yet the US are, for some reason, immune to such prosecution
and he'll throw that person under the bus when there's an incident
she has a point cuz whomever is running the US wasn't voted to do it
Sullivan lying to the media. Ukraine have used petal bombs in the Donbas against civilians since 2014, and people such as Douglas MacGregor has said there is no evidence RU has used cluster munitions. No doubt that will change thanks to the US sending illegal munitions, to go along with sending depleted uranium munitions, approving UA's use of chemical weapons, murdering & torturing Russian POW's, and UA targeting the nuclear power station- all with the approval of the USA / EU / NATO
Lindsey Graham - what an obnoxious individual, not only do i finf him offensive with his comments but increadibly stupid. Lets see if Finland & Sweden can afford to join NATO - what is it $70 mill? also all other NATO nations have to vote them in - no guarantee on that. the sooner this scum in washington are removed the better
corrupt scum in congress want the war to continue as long as possible all for Americas FOREVER WARS so they become millionaires from the US weapons manufacturers - Assange pointed this out, that is why the US want him to rot in a UK jail. FREE ASSANGE
1st it is pilots based on colour & gender & now this. hands up who will NEVER fly a US airline carrier again?
Air Traffic Controllers will be spewing - a sauna wouldn't be out of place in their control towers
that FBI bloke is almost up there with Mayorkas in his ablity to talk and talk without saying a damn thing