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Comments by "naas699" (@naas699) on "CNN" channel.
it will change the battlefield alright - because instead of firing 20 missiles against Ukraine, Russia will fire 80 and obliterate the place. And for years after the war is over, when farmers or their children lose linbs from theseunexplodedordnance - they will have the USA to thank for that. Just as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and more recently Afghanistan are still dealingwith American land mines and unexploded shells. As usual trhe USA does not care because it is not on their soil
Zelensky "Tell Biden if he doesn''t send me another $100 billion, I tell all about Hunter"
75% of Ukrainians were happy with the Minsk 2 agreement - so why did Zelensky go against the agreement and start bombing the Dondas again? Because the USA were in his ear and both Zelensky & corrupt US Politicians want to launder as much money as they can while not giving a shit about the innocent people stuck in the middle
Biden send bruising message? hahaha what a joke. Biden and the USA are the jokes of the world - and they have done it all to themselves. NO world leader would pay any attention to this twerp because they know he isnt the leader of the country, unelected people are running it - into the ground
hahaha what a load of horse sh!t. UA suffering anywhere from 800 to well over 1000 casualties / deaths daily yet the lies reported by the UA Govt / US continues. Why else is Zelensky press ganging children to fight on the front lines? once this is over the lies will be exposed - of how the US started this war and are the reason why all efforts for peacetalks are denied - even back in April 2022. Of Ukraines chemical weapons use, shooting / murdering POW's, using civilians as human sheilds, and how Poroshenko & Zelensky murdered some 14,000 Russian speaking people in the Donbas between 2014 - 2022 all with the US / NATO's blessing. And the real culprit for the destruction of Nord Stream will be found guilty of not only committing a war crime, of the worlds largest environmental terrorist attack, but of destroying Germany's and much of Europes economy
USA 1st to use nuclear weapons against civilians, USA targeted & bombed civilians in all wars, USA used chemical weapons in Vietnam, USA responsible for the largest act of environmental terrorism with Nord Streams destruction, USA (& Israel) responsible for 1st use of cyber weapons with the destruction of centrifuges at Natanz via Stuxnet. Hilary Clinton accused RU hackers of her losing the unlosable Presidential election to Trump yet it was proven RU had no involvement. US looking for every excuse to put China on sanctions & provoke war. "the biggest propagators of disinformation in the history of the world is the United States Government" - US Senator Rand Paul
same way the USA blowing up Nord Stream isnt, or the USA (& Israel) using cyber warfare to destroy centrifuges in Natanz with Stuxnet. because the USA are the 1st to perform every act they accuse other nations of "possibly" doing
they should make it illegal for rich to hide their money in off shore bank accounts so they pay no tax. Make it illegal for CEO's to pay themselves zero wages while being worth millions / hundreds of millions. stop paying professional athletes / movie stars - people who contribute nothing to society hundreds of millions of dollars. That money should go to the Police, nurses etc
@d.gjochimsen9725 typical ignorant American reply, keep believing the lies told by your government. Remember - Americas FOREVER WAR where they incite and illegally bomb and invade other countries so their weapons manufacturers sell weapons and give kickbacks to the politicians. The only reason the US is funding this is because Afghanistan ended so they need another war to launder their money and they have a;lways been threatened by Russia (who has Russia invaded since 1990? How many countries has the USA invaded since the end of WW2 - 22 countries and are responsible for the MURDER of over 20 million people). Look at the Alley of Angels about the 500+ children MURDERED by the Ukrainian Govt & Nazi Azov battalion since 2014 in Donetsk - this is when this conflict started. And why did the Ukraine go back on the Minsk 2 agreements and started shelling the innocent people og the Donbas?
@harmless6813 the mighty US - are they the same country that got their asses handed to them in Vietnam, the same ones who ran away from Iraq and Afghanistan crying like pussies "We give up, we give up!"? the alledged global superpower who keeps losing wars to poorly trained ill equiped fighters who wear sandals?
@anthonyfuqua6988 typical war mongering attitude like your government, why does your government want war- money/ profit plain and simple. The US is the biggest threat to world peace & are the world's biggest terrorist organisation. Keep believing your govts lies you w@nker
@anthonyfuqua6988 considering how PISSWEAK AMERICA is at fighting wars, probably just as well that "we're not even doing the fighting"
so you want this war to continue instead of pushing for peace talks?
pityall Ukrainians won't be privy to the millions that Zelensky is funneling off shore, buying million dollar mansions in Switzerland. When this is over Zelensky will run away and live in some tax haven while leaving the Ukrainian people to suffer
EVERY US politician is a JOKE - so congress is full of comedians
@mnemosynevermont5524 why not - the good Christian USA / West has been invading the EVIL Muslim countries for centuries - All in the name of GREED
yes S.eig H.eil , we see how there are many Ukrainian white supremists. Do you also support how your Government renames streets after Jew Killers from WW2?
Zelensky is using that great Old English tradition of press ganging children to fight on the front lines (and old men), also following the Nazi Hitler youth by having children fight for him which makes sese considering the UA is full of Nazi's. Wonder why this so called expert didn't report how the average life expectancy on the front lines is 4 hours for the Ukrainians
I will love to see how America reacts if Russia puts missile bases on the Mexico / US border, or puts missiles in Cuba. Oh wait, we already saw what happened there how JFK almost started WW3 by illegally blockading ships in international waters and depth charging Soviet submarines to foirce them to the surface to stop Cuba doing what in international law they had every rught to do
don't forget this conflict has been ragingd since 2014 with the Ukraininan Govts murder of 13,000 Russian speaking people in Eastern Ukraine
and what of Americas terrorism? dropping 40 bombs a day every day for 20 years on countries in the middle east is not terrorism? the US have been in a 1`5 year war with Somalia - exactly when did Somalia threaten Americas borders?
yes the US politicians tell the truth. the US the worlds biggest terrorist organisation who use illegal wars to launder millins back to themselves
why are there still civilians there? Zelensky should have allowed them to leave as soon as the town was within artiillery range. No dout using them as human shields as they have done before - another war crime by Ukrainian forces
7/1 UA winning hahaha delusional, got your numbers backwards there sparky, the UA are losing massive numbers. but what would you expect from a 1 TV network country that has lied from day 1. IF UA are winning 7/1 - then why would they have to withdraw? they should be pushing Russian troops backwards. But then the west would stop supplying billions & Zelensky would not be begging for more weapons / tanks etc IF they were winning. If UA are winning why has Zelensky said that the USA needs to send their sons and daughters to fight there? Keep the lies and bullsh!t going CNN
hahaha you are delusional but then look at the network you watch
the Ukraine is an Authoratarian State - Zelensky has banned opposition to his Govt, and before the crisis was deemed the most corrupt country in Europe. All of US's illegal wars good - RU protection Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine bad. JFK almost started WW3 by illegally blocking ships in international waters to prevent Cuba from installing missile bases there - something they were within their right to do. US are the bully boys of the world
yes if Zelensky and his Nazi paramilitary groups weren't killing Russian speaking people in Eastern Ukraine (since 2014) then RU would have had no reason to try to put a stop to it
75% of Ukrainians were happy with the Minsk 2 agreement - so why did Zelensky go against the agreement and start bombing the Dondas again? Because the USA were in his ear and both Zelensky & corrupt US Politicians want to launder as much money as they can while not giving a shit about the innocent people stuck in the middle
well it is CNN so we know it's full of garbage. dum enough to report Zelensky's lies with zero fact checks, we all know Zelensky has reported UA's own losses as Russias
just like every US president when they conduct illegal wars on other continents - they get to sit in the White House counting the $$ that roll into their bank accounts from the weapons manufacturers who got them in power
right on
to all of you crying for Ukraine - where's your fake cries of outrage and contempt against the US Govt and their 13 year bombing campaign against Somalia - how are they a threat to the US? or the 20 year bombing wars on Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, the list goes on. Or how about how the USA invades a country conducting ILLEGAL wars, destroy its infrastructure, lose the war & run away saying "you win" leaving it in worst state than before. Where are your demands of reparations for the USA to pay to repair Iraq (& every other country they have invaded / bombed) & for the American Presidents to be held accountable for war crimes? You were all probably fist pumping shouting U-S-A U-S-A as you proudly watched an Apache helicopter murder unarmed innocent reporters, civilians & children in Iraq (wikileaks collateral murder) You're all a bunch of fkn hypocrits.
tyical CNN bullshit. Zelensky & the US don't want it to end - the US keeps sending Zelensky billions so he wont want it to end (why are the US sending people there to see how the money was spent, who weapons have been sold to?), the US weapons manufacturers get to make billions, the US politicians get their cut from the weapons manufacturers who they put in power, and then the corrupt US politicians launder money back to themselves - how else does a US politician retire a multi millionaire on $200k/year, and how else does Zelensky & his chronies own million dollar properties in Switzerland etc? Ideal timing for congress as they got to keep their gravy train funding from their illegal wars going just as Afghanistan ended, now they get to do it here, then they will push China into conflict and carry on there
Russia has rightfully requested over many many years to stop the NATO erxpansion because of the threat of missile attacks. how would the USA like it if a potential hostile nation placed missiles along the US borders of Mexico & Canada? Well we all know what happened - JFK almost started WW3 with his illegal blockade in international waters stopping the Cubans from installing missiles there, something they were well within their right to do. but this conflict goes to the 13,000 killed Russian speaking people in Eastern UA since 2014, an event that strangely doesn't receive any press in the west
so you are happy the USA murdered Qasem Soleimani, you probably support the USA's illegal invasion of Iraq because Iran / Iraq don't get along. What about the USA's illegal invasion of Afghanistan - you approve that too? And don't forget Americas 13 year war with Somalia - normally wars occur when both armies are fighting, not where one drops bombs day after day, year after year from drones
but you support every US illegal war right?
tileux you mean with their imperialistic rule? and what freedom are you talking about? the USA's illegal ar in Iraq, maybe Afghanistan? No - Vietnam? the warmongering west are responsible for them
April 2022 peace agreement was to be signed between RU & UA, until that fat fuk Boris Johnson flew to Ukraine and told Zelensky not to sign. This war is thanks to you - so I can see why you are so proud of the UK
so you're a Nazi too are you like those in Azov who the US deemed a terrorist organisation?
yep he probably sleeps peacefully in a comfy bed miles away from the conflict zones only appearing for photo opportunities
a democratically elected leader in the most corrupt nation in Europe, an Authoritarian regime that has banned opposition & jailed those who are against him, who's Neo-Nazi paramilitary organization have said they will kill blacks, Jews, anti LGBT and murer Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine, who rename streets in their cities after Jew Killers
@Shihai6 yes he had to continue the killing of Russian speaking people in Eastern Ukraine that started in 2014 and to make sure the Azov Battalion had enough Nazi's in its ranks along with deciding what other streets in Kiev should be named after WW2 Jew killers
until the western press starts reporting the truth again like they were before the conflict started where it will mention how his Govt is corrupt, authoritarian, influenced by Nazi's but he won't care because of the millions he'll have in his Swiss bank account. then the global public will realis they've been taken foir a ride by him, and the US congress and the millions they make from promoting and engaging in wars
Biden doesn't put America first so why should any other nation?
cannot see why the USA would want this war to end, that is why they keep sending billions instead of pushing for peace talks.
if the Nuremberg Laws were applied today EVERY LIVING US PRESIDENT would be held for war croimes. What makes US illegal wars ok? oh yes - because they make the weapons manufacturers in the US billions
Liz Chenney went from what $7 million to $44 million in 2 terms (6 years) - how did that happen?. Obama oversaw the coup to overthrow the Ukrainian Democratically Elected Leader in 2014. Do your homework you fkn cretins
look at Puting interviews where he states thatcform over 30 years he has requested that NATO stops their Eastward expansion - he too is calm, rational
amazed he didn't take his penis out and ask the interviewer if she wanted him to play the piano
that is why the US have been involved in a 15 year war with Somalia is it? because Somalia are a threat to US emocracy & way of life?