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carole doerr
Youtube comments of carole doerr (@caroledoerr6872).
It seems like 1984 is coming to life. Social brainwashing has reach a level of autocracy. Money is the only view that consumers have. Debt is how our economy is structured by the Fed. since 1971 when Nixon took us off the gold standard.
The US has been waging a financial war since the dollar has become the reserve currency.
China has learned a great deal about what made America great! and they are applying this knowledge.
This financial heist from the people to the top is a global heist. Thank you for this video!
This video is the reason why the Fed is involved of the greatest transfer of wealth in history! Taking wealth from the people to pay off the casino.
Well done and financially sound report. Now what can be done about protecting the taxpayer?! ?
If Powell is correct, why are Central Banks buying gold?
The FED has supported the corporations by keeping the stock market high! This economy is being engineered,
Is this situation of the dollar losing the reserve currency open the door for a digital currency where the global central banks will have total control of the financial situation and be able to tell people what they can and cannot buy!
Control the food and you control the people.
What you are highlighting is the wealth gap that has increased exponentially because of the FED and the government supplying money to the billionaires. The FED is in the process of eliminating the Middle Class.
Just in time!
Will the taxpayers be paying for this next bail out or will there be a bail in?
@lawsonj39 You are right. Money had to be thoughtfully invested to create wealth. In 1971 Nixon was advised by the banks to take us off the gold standard. This move and the US dollar becoming the reserve currency and the FED Chair Alan Greenspan who took away price discovery because he could because was back by faith. In my opinion, these reasons in concert with each other have created this "economic catastrophe."
It is political beliefs that are compromising globalism. If each country would respect and value what each country has to offer the total global population, we could have a world that would benefit every country. The political beliefs create power struggles that interfere with the many positive possibilities of the countries creating societies that benefit their populations. RESPECT RESPECT RESPECT is necessary and creative participation instead of power struggles. Perhaps this is a utopian point of view, but if it could happen then the world would be a better place.
Trump's only motive is to win at any cost. In my opinion the price is too high!
Trickle down economics does not work. The only time trickle down will be apparent is if you wait too long to go to the bathroom.
Egypt depends on travel and tourism and that has been affected greatly because of the pandemic.
When both parties agree to take control of our money and give us less financial freedom, it is against the Constitution which states that we should have constitutional money.
This project is a part of the global influences to limit the democratic freedoms that our founding fathers put in place. It sounds like permitting the control of political power that we have always gone to war to protect our freedoms. In history, our government followed Locke who believed the power of the rulers would be used to protect citizens rights. Hobbes, his opponent, believed that people should submit to the rules of the a monarch. The President would have the authority of a king under Project 2025. George Washington warned: "Beware of the two party system." We have to think about our freedoms in the Middle Ground not left or right!
I agree with you!
I like your logic Professor!
The AI Revolution will take away our freedoms and indoctrinate us and control us if we allow it! Your information is important to allow people to see the truth!
I like your accurate and complete diagnosis of this economy!
Unfortunately, they will manage the debt at the expense of the Middle Class! When people are poor enough they will give them digital currency so they can globally control the economy!
I like your goals for the future. We need a person like you to be a role model for future generations. You seem to practice community. I agree that this system is broken. I wish you well! Take away Citizens United! Centrist decency is worth your investment.
The founding fathers are not unhappy because WE THE PEOPLE at the time the US was created were WHITE MEN WITH PROPERTY!
@s.gharavi1614 Now it is visible to the naked eye!
Every safeguard that was put in place by FDR because we were a manufacturing country has been taken away. The Glass Steagall Act was taken away in the late 1990's. We bailed out the banks during the 2008 crisis. The FED and the Government bailed out the billionaires who had money in the banks for 100% of loans that were only worth 80% 2023 and bankrupted the FDIC. Now we are in the process of taking money from the Middle Class through the tax called inflation. This will make the wealthy have total control. We are seeing the End of an Empire that was a Representative Form or Government. The government is now representing the rich. When the Declaration of Independence was written WE THE PEOPLE were white men with property. Everything go to its fundamental value.
The song written by Paul Simon "Slip Sliding Away" is a perfect description of what is happening today! Thank you for telling the truth.
The goal of the FED never intend to have a soft landing because they intend to create a the situation to transfer wealth.
George, you are talking about a quadrillion amount of derivatives. FUTURE BETS WITH THE PEOPLE''S MONEY!
If the stock market goes high and inflation is high then the wealthy will have done their job and the wealth will be transferred.
The American Dream of owning a home is dead!
The banks have been gambling with our currency. They have quadrillions of dollars in derivatives. This is something that a President cannot fix. The President does not have a printing press!
The elites are not elected. They should not have this power! Who is going to stop people that have money and politicians working against the people?
All of this talk about debt being an asset is an economic farce that will make the Middle Class poor and AI can take over many human experiences.
Many politicians have made money in China and in many other conflict of interest ways.
Do you think that the Presidential candidates are supporting the Miliary Industrial Complex. Our politicians may have to follow the "YELLOW BRICK ROAD."
It is nice to know that the China is thinking about the people to modify the monetary policy.
Trump is promising more of the same. Let the chips fall where they may. The consumer will not be helped. The rich will get richer. Tax cuts will create more reasons to print money and reduce purchasing power and inflation will continue to rise.
Obama did the best he could without the cooperation of the financial industry and the abolishment of the Glass Steagall Act. The banks had free reign and the derivative increases means they have gambled with the money of the Middle Class.
People are not happy with the "norm." The system is broken.
This sounds like the housing crisis in the US in 2008 with an inflation slant. "Buy now or your will pay more later."
Propaganda from China reveals the Ponzie Scheme. The people know when they are in trouble! Total control has to be "people friendly."
Sounds like fractional reserve banking in the US and globally. Sounds like all financial fraud. This story is very familiar!
We have a debt based economy! They have to create new debt to survive!
If the government supports his economic theory, the burden is on the taxpayer. It is another transfer of wealth from the people who really contribute to the GDP of the government. This economic theory is a farce! Intelligence and greed are many times incompatible and destructive for the citizens.
Unfortunately, the places that these children is coming from must be worse than these horrors!
Senator Kennedy, very good insight on inflation!
I agree with you!
The cycle of which you are speaking was the good old days when we were a manufacturing country. Your message is wise; however, who is going to be powerful to convert the billionaires to follow your yellow brick road!
Because Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and could not stand trial was the smoking gun in this investigation!
He also got tax breaks for all the businesses that failed. Also he does not pay his fare share being in real estate.
Because of the power of the Deep State, one person is not going to correct the situation. It is internal. It is economic. It is corrupt. It requires power. It is similar to a human who has cancer and attempts are made to stop the spread, but the system continues to create cells that rob the immune system of the power to stop the spread of the cancer.
The financial system which is a large part of the government said to the baby boomers to spend money and have 2 cars in the garage--why? because they knew that they were the largest generation and they used them to make them richer. Fast Forward--the Millennials are a much larger generation, but the financial system has bankrupted them. Every generation will be the servants of the people who control the money!
Peter this debt is keeping the debt based financial system alive until they want to kill it with total control digital currency. You have to connect the dots and listen to what the Globalists are saying. We are seeing Globalism vs. Nationalism.
If CBDC's replaces the free market economy, the banks will have total co9ntrol of the monetary system. This needs to be addressed!
The debt will be hyperinflated away at the expense of the Middle Class.
What happens if the numbers reported are accurate! People would make different choices!
China does not have the reserve currency so they will be able to contain it. The Middle Class if being bankrupted globally.
The whole global economy is Zenga!
The problem of what you are speaking has a political slant which is different from your fellow .01%ers.
I agree with everything you are saying! The financial industry by design is transferring wealth from the Middle Class!
Rumor has it that there may be a law that the US government can get your bank account records if you have more than $600 in the account. It looks like the wealthy have all of the protections and the citizens who are not are still going to be collateral damage!
Check what the the Bank of England ruled at Basel III to see how the banks can keep gold and silver to raise to its intrinsic value.
Your broadcast has brought up the most important reason why we are seeing a shift from a Republic who represents the people to an authoritarian regime that will control the people because of the financialization of our economy. We no longer have a manufacturing economy, our money is not backed by anything, and it is a debt note to the Federal Reserve who has been decreasing its value consistently since 1913 and at a quicker pace since 1971. What we are seeing in 2021 is the end game of the Federal Reserve to bail out zombie corporations that added NO value to our country and bought back their stocks to make themselves richer while the consumers, the basis for the economy have been robbed because of low interest rates and trillions being printed to help the rich. They will extract the last remaining wealth from the middle class when this bubble on Wall Street bursts. The soul of America has been sold!
Passive investing has contributed to the lack of price discovery. Price discovery has been in the process of being destroyed since 1987--the birth of algorithms in the stock market.
The word "passive" when discussing investing is never a good idea. There is always risk in any investment and being "passive" about the risks you are taking is playing right into the hands of the algorithms and the FED who have a lot of influence on market performance.
If you use the CPI as your measure of inflation. it does not include the consumer goods. That is how the FED inflate the money and they can tell you that what your seeing is not true.
Lincoln was correct. Because the the Treasury and the FED are one and the same. The wealthy are not paying taxes. The Middle Class and small businesses are being robbed! The Financial Industry have bankrupted the Millennials. Capitalism has not worked for them so Socialism looks good. EXTREMES PRODUCE THEIR OWN OPPOSITES.
What the people are being told sounds like Narcissism.