Comments by "David Houseman" (@davidhouseman4328) on "The Empire of Japan 2.0?" video.

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  9. The access I was refering does include straight purchases it also about transfer, components and building in country. It allows you to looks for the best done by other countries to improve your own. The expertise is just as important. China is new to having a capable navy as well as (to it's credit) having little to no war fighting experience. This can't be said of the US, Britain or France. Carriers are just enablers, if EMALS means you can fly better planes at higher sortie rates then it's useful otherwise it's irrelevant. Show me the plane its enabling and I'll concede the argument. My knowledge is based on the US where it is a vanity project. Of course the sky's are very important (though if you're russian you might just dive under the sea) it was only the navy where I would take Japans. That said your J20 argument is a bit pointless as with lack of numbers and experience you might as well bring in the F35. Realistically you're looking at some kind of 90's battles between SU27 variants and F15's The Falklands conflict has many differences differences don't look to that and assume no US intervention. The US had an anti colonial stance particularly in the Americas (ie Monroe Doctrine), there were cold war politics, Argentina was irrelevant rather than the main long term threat. The only war I see (other than something weird in Korea) would be trade war, sanctions and finally blockade. This would involve the US from the beginning. All very unlikely but you prepare for the worst.
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