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Comments by "Serenity" (@SerenityM54L2SAM5L5N1) on "Jury selection underway for George Floyd Murder trial: The story so far | WION" video.
He protected the public against a dangerous threat. Against a person who time and time again came in contact with the police by his careless and disrespectful actions. By his constant illegalities. The police deserves a prize for heaven's sake.
He likely died by a fentanyl overdose and the hallucinations that he projected against the police. He had several heart conditions and a poor health. The police did the right thing based on the circumstances.
Acquit Chauvin and provide him with the presidential medal of freedom.
Good summary of the West these days. We love to praise and celebrate these worst types of people. Those who've destroyed society and not done a single thing right.
Why is he "dumb"? Sounds like you haven't investigated the situation nor seen the footage at all. He arrested a convicted criminal who resisted arrest, were high, and acted threateningly.